The Crazy Ex

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Hey guys so you all know that i am crazy and so are my characters.

So this chapter will be hectic so there will be arguments and so on.

Annalisa's POV

Some guy grabbed my arm and spun me around. I come to see it was dear God.

My Ex Jack

What is he doing here?

"Long time no see beautiful". He says and kiss my neck.

"Gross, get off Jack, we are done cant you understand!". I yelled.

" No i cant because we are done when i say were done". He said and roughly pull me to him before i was pulled away from him.

I was in the arms of Xavier.

"Do you mind?". He says.

"Of course i do, let go of my girlfriend". Jack says.

"She is not yours". Xavier says calmly.

"He is right I'm not yours". I said holding onto Xavier's hand out of the blue.

"Your coming with me, who does this piece of shit thinks he is? ". Jack hissed.

" He is the boyfriend". I say to piss him off.

"BOYFRIEND?". Jack ask in disbelief. "What does he have that i don't?". He asked again.

"Everything". Xavier says. "Take a good fucking look at your self, how can you even care for someone, your so fucked up".

"I'm fucked up, well lets see how fucked up this is". Jack says and take a swing at Xavier who push me in the arms of Cameron and ducked Jack's swing.

"Is that all you got pussy". Xavier said with his fist in the air.

"You think your so much better than me, show me". Jack says as if he was a threat to Xavier.

They both growled at each other as Jack took a swing again that caused Xavier to karate kick his chest.

"Ill save your face, next thing you say i damaged your face because I'm jealous". Xavier says sarcastically.

"Fuck you". Jack says getting back to his feet.

"Less talking and bring it little bitch". Xavier said as Jack ran to him in anger.

I move towards him and place my foot under him so he tripped and fell to the ground. Xavier looked at me in approval as Jack grabbed onto my foot and squeezed it.

I cried out in pain as Xavier beat the shit of him. Jack was now unconscious on the ground not that any one cares because everyone was high with cocaine.

As Kaila ran over to me but still stumble but fell right into Xavier's arms as he place an arm under my foot and lift me bridal style. It hurt so bad.

"I'm sorry, i ruined your night". I said to him once we were out side.

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