Big Mistake

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Of course these chapters will be fun. We are talking about Xavier people. My future husband .

Please continue reading


Surprisingly I was called from a very important business of doing nothing. After  I left the principals office I went to of course get laid with a bitch when my phone rang.

It was Dylan

He told me that I was in big trouble.

I asked him what he ment by that and he told me that the principal called him. And being the Brother that he is he came and said I  was to meet him at the office.

When I got there they were deep in conversation.

I walked inside and looked at both of them.

"So you called my fucking bro......... ".

" Father ". Dylan said before I could finish.

I looked at him really weird.

" Yes Xavier your principal called me, and me being a good Mother fucking father, I came, and you really disappointed me ". He said with a serious face.

Oh i see whats going on.

Right...... my father.

I get it.

From my so long years of knowing my Brother he has always wanted to be my father.

So I guess now he get the chance.

" And you think i give a fuck right?". I said sarcastically.

"Of course I give a fuck. You know why you disappointed me?". He asked.

"Why because I didn't call you myself?". I asked

"That's exactly not the reason". He says laughing. "The reason is that, you didn't get to finish what you had started, you really had to let this piece of shit come and disturb you".

"Wow, thanks dad". I said as he pumped my fist.

"Like father like Son, I think you need to give me her number, I would like to apologize to her myself, you know what I'm saying". He says.

"Mr Francis, I would like it if you talk to your Son about the respectful manner in which he should have ". Principal whatever his name was said.

" Of course sir, i will use all my power to make him respectful". Dylan said. "As you can see my Son and I are the same anything i say he will do".

"Oh really now?". I said.

"Yeah, what do we say when a guy says their married?". He asked.

"Ammm..........- ".

" Come on Son i know you remember ". Dylan says.

" Oh right, fuck you man we don't get attached, we just fuck em an leave em". I said and laughed at the idiot that thinks we are really father and Son.

Well i do this with Dad so it doesn't really make much of a difference.


"Real smooth bro". Dylan says as we walked to my hang out spot.

"Yeah right". I said.

"We make a great team ". He says. Suddenly his eyes drifted to some girl that was by her locker.

She was hot.

Had a nice ass and all.

Her hair fell to her wait and she was in a really sexy shorts.

" Checking out a freeman girl i see ". I said to him stating the obvious.

" Yeah you know some times you want to just get laid with a young chick". He says.

The girl turn and walked in the direction where we could see her face and............... Jesus Christ



It was Lisa

I mean my fake girlfriend

I mean the girl that i joined with to do the bet

You know what i mean

As Dylan was about to walk off i held him back.

"Whats the problem dude, what you own them all?". He says like it was a question.

Well it is kind of...........


"No, but she is kind of off limits". I told him.

"Why, she has some form of disease or something?".

"Actually yeah, she is the chick that sleeps around with guys from all over, they say she has more diseases than all girl at this school ". I lied just to let him lose his interest.

I cant believe i am doing this

What the fuck has gotten into me

" I don't care she is hot". He tells me

"That's on the out side, on the inside she is a disease". I told him with a serious face.

"Fine, ill just check out some other chick, but i really have to go now because i kind of left a chick at your place in my bed naked and she has being calling me like hell to come back so i guess our meeting has to come to an end". He says.

"Okay ill see you at home, and make sure that chick is not in my bed". I told him.

"Maybe, maybe not". He yelled and ran off while he slapped a girl on her ass as he ran by.

My Brother / father

Good to have relatives right.

Hey guys

Totally dig this chapter

I love Dylan

I'm not giving up Xavier but Dylan is just so........ Damn hot and funny and a total man whore

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