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Hey guys how was the last chapter

Yes i left you guys in suspense

Annalisa's POV

After we came from the water park i came from the but with Kaila as she made plans for the next day.

Some guy then came up to me an planted his lips to mine.

Its wasn't Xavier and for some reason i wanted to hit the guy.

I didn't know who he was or where he had come from. Out of no where.

I saw his gave shift to someone behind me and I follow his eyes hoping it wasn't who u think it is.

I just had the best time of my life and now this is going to ruin everything.

I turned to see Xavier standing in pure shock.

He looked angry, like he knew the guy.

I Had normal seen them on campus giving each other glares but i didn't take it as anything.

Xavier's drive pulled up and he went in the car. A lose tear slipped from my eyes and Kaila held onto me.

I turned to the guy and growled at him, Then connected my foot with his groin.

He drop to the ground in pain as he tried to get back to his feet.

I kicked him again and screamed as the guys tried to pull me away from him.

Who does he think he is.

I cried all the way home and didn't say a word to any one when i got home.

Not even Aiden.

  Now Xavier Wants nothing g to do with me. He needs to know it wasn't my fault.


Xavier's POV

That piece a shit

That Mother fucker

That cock sucker

That pussy biter

That garbage truck

How could he, i left him alone for years

It wasn't even my fault

The girl from my pass that was her Brother, he was in the gang that killed her.

He was the one who hired them to kill me so i could leave his Sister alone but sadly he killed his Sister and blamed me for it.

He is possessed 

When i came to this collage and saw him i tried to avoid him as much as i could but i guess his mind is getting the best of him.

I know where he lives and I know what he can do, but he doesn't know what i can do.

He doesn't know me I'm not that guy from the pass. He kissed Lisa so i could fell what he felt when his Sister was killed, pain. And I know he is a crazy Mother fucker.

But I'm a  insane motherfucker.

I hate him

Lisa had nothing to do with this, but now, she has everything to do with it.

He knows that she is close to me.

He knows that i care.

He knows that she cares

He knows everything.




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