How Could You

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Hey guys so from my last update i left you guys in suspense was that a bad thing.

Did you guys get the answer?

Well here you will find out if you haven't figured it out.

Annalisa POV

"How could you mom! ". I shouted.

It was..........

The same guy i saw back at Xavier's place

Not his Brother but his father

" How could i what, why did you come here, and bring Aiden at that?". She asked angrily.

Is she really angry at me right now.

"I wanted to see if you were okay but clearly you were in the middle of something ". I said to her.

" Yes we were, so beat it". The guy said.

"You have no right to talk to me like that you piece of trash, how could you ruin my life like this, i had a wonderful family, i don't want to be like Xavier! ". I yelled at him.

" So if you don't want to be like him, why the hell were you at his place tonight?". He asked.

Mom looked at me surprised and Aiden was confused more than ever.

"That is none of your god damn business ". I growled at him.

This piece of smoke

This piece of under privilege dog

This animal

I wanted to scream my guts out at them but it would be a waste of time.

" You know what get back to what you guys were doing, just note that when you get home, i wont be there, your the B word and you no it, you hurt Dad, you hurt me, and you ruin Aiden's life! ". I shouted to her.

" Wow no one ruined my life, she was never home, i kind of had the feeling this was going on, so mom from deep with in my heart thank you, you can finally move out, but most of all fuck you ". He hiss.

" Aiden ". Mom says at a lost of words to say.

" Don't Aiden me you piece of shit, you destroyed your family and now you want to call my fucking my name, bitch don't ever say it in your mouth again". He says and ran off down stairs.

All that was what i wanted to say but i couldn't.

I didn't have that in me.

But Aiden

He is the brave one, and I love him for that.

"Anna- ". She started.

" Mother don't, i don't even want to see you anymore, please don't come home tonight, you will just make everything worst, just go to some dog shelter ". I said to her.

A million flies could fit in her mouth that was fully adjusted now.

That mouth that was busy doing nasty things to that train wreck.

" Annalisa I'm sorry!". She yelled as i was about to leave.

"No your not, you will never be sorry for what you have done".

"You don't understand. A couple years back your father did the same to me. It was our anniversary and we were spending the weekend with my Sister. I came home from work earlier that evening in a sexy lingerie  to surprise him. But when i got to our bed room some girl was onto of him. I screamed my guts out the way i was hurt, but what hurt the most was that it was my Sister. I never spoke to her again but i stayed with your father because you and Aiden were already born. I wanted you guys to grow up in a happy family ". She says as hot stinging tears fell from her eyes.

" But you were never happy, it was just a show chard when we are around, i noticed, you guys are always fighting and arguing about the simplest things, why didn't you tell him how you felt?". I asked her.

"I did, but like that stopped him from doing it again, sweetie your father is not the man you think he is, when i was pregnant with you he slapped me in my face because i didn't feel like eating what he had cooked". She says as more tears fell.

"So you called the guy that you no would hurt him the most?".

"Yes i did".

"Did you think about me when you did it, did you stop to think about how i would feel?". I asked her.

"No i didn't, i didn't even know you knew his son".

"We attended the same school for years, what is there not to know mom?".

"You like him? ". She asked.

" No i don't, i was just saying that you should have thought about me when you were sleeping with his father ". I said to her.

" Don't worry my wife and i are doing great, we sleep around with other people all the time, its just a thing that we do in this time of the year ". The guy says.

I walked closer to him with hatred clear in my eyes.

" That may be okay in your family, but its not okay in mine ". I said.

" Its Okay if you like my Son, but note that he is just going to use.......... you". He says harshly with exaggeration.

Suddenly my body temperature started to rise and my right hand formed into a fist and collided with his perfectly shaped jaw line.

He groaned in pain but even though he was feeling pain i had it worst.

My hand was killing me but i couldn't allow him to see that i was weak and I am not afraid of him.

"Annalisa that is enough". Mom says pushing me away.

"Fine just tell this piece of crap not to say thing he doesn't know the real meaning of". I said and stormed out and down to the car.


Aiden was already in the front seat when i got there. I started the engine and it roared to life as i drove out of the parking lot.

I dropped Aiden off at home and kept driving to some place i could clear my head.

Preferably my secret spot. I normally hang out there with Kaila. She must hate my guts right now. Its been weeks since i have talked to her.

In no time i was there and it seem as if i wasn't alone. Another car was parked a mere distant away from where i had stopped.

I got out of the car and to my surprise it was some guy and a girl in a heated make out session .

They both looked familiar so i went closer to get a better view.

Knowing my best friend anywhere i called out her name.

"Kaila!". She pulled away from the guy and we both ran to each other. I was now crying heavily in her arms.

"What happened?". She asked.

"I'll.... tell you when i....... get the chance ". I said in between my snuffles.

The guy cleared his throat and I come to see it was..........

Oh god

Are they together?

Does he have feelings for her?

So many questions went through my mind when i saw them together.

Holy macaroni

Hey guys

Another suspense

I am going to kill you guys right

Lol this one is not so hard right

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Love you guys

Ill update soon

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