Who Plays Best

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Hwy guys so its being a while since i have update.

Sorry about that

I was kinda busy working on a new book.

Call Me Daddy. I would really like if you guys could read it.

Its really great.

Xavier POV

"Hey Xavier aren't you going to do something?". Aiden shouted.

"About what?". I asked.

He pointed to where the girls were clawing at each others faces.

"Oh, right". I said and finally got up from the chair.

It was so nice to sit and watch the girls fight , too bad the fun is going to end.

I held onto Brea and Simon held Lisa.

"Hey stop it". I said to the crazy one in my arms.

"She started it!". She yelled at Lisa who wanted to rip her head off.

"Say another word out of that filthy mouth of yours and trust me it will be the last! ". Lisa yelled.

Blood was coming from Lisa's arm and I swapped with Simon, he took Brea out side and maybe call a cab to take her to the hospital as I walk with Lisa to the bathroom.

" I'm sorry ". She says to me as her breathing came back to normal.

" What does that mean, i mean, For what?".  I asked her.

"The fight, for avoiding you, for running out on you the other day...... ".

" Its Okay, that's all over now, right? ".

" Yeah it is, and for my mom and all, i shouldn't have let my Dad say those things, unless we wouldn't be here apologizing".  She says.

"Well technically your the one who is apologizing ". I said to her.

She sat on the counter as i took out the first aid kit from where she pointed.

Getting a bandaid, alcohol, and cotton, i helped her dress the cut on her arm.

" I apologize for Brea".

"As you said its all over now ".

" By the way, you need to teach me some of that karate, you seem like an expert". I told her.

"Trust me, I'm not, i watch a lot of movies though". She says with a light smile.

"You should do that more often".

"Do what?".


"Is that a compliment?". She asked.

"No........  Are you crazy, i don't give compliments".

"Wow, okay Xavier what not". She says.

"Its Xavier Francisco Francis ". I corrected her.

"Annalisa Allie Adams". She says.

"Why are you telling me your full name?". I asked her.

"Because you told me yours ".

" Okay ".

" So Francisco huh".

"Whats wrong with Francisco?".

"Oh nothing ". She says denying the true fact as i place the bandaid on the cut.

" Tell me ". I said persistent

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