I Dont Care

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Xavier's POV

I was home in my room watching fast and the furious 8 when my room door burst open and yelling filled the air.

Well someone was yelling my name.

My Sister and Dylan were standing facing each other angrily.

"I am going out with him". She says to him.

"And I said you are not to". Dylan says.

Since when did he care who she went out with.

"Why not, why do you care all of a sudden who I go out with?". She asked him.

Hey same question i asked my brain just now. I said to myself

"Since i proposed to his Sister ". Dylan says and slam my door shut leaving Kate and I in shock.

" I should go". She says feeling guilty.

"Good, because i was just about to call the garbage collector". I said to her as she gave me a middle finger and walked out of my room.

My door open again and I paused the movie.

"Que diablos ". I said a loud which means what the fuck in Spanish. At least that's what I thought, fuck me if I know, i don't fucking study Spanish.

Mother and father walked in just then and soon my room was a motel which included Mom, Dad, Dylan and Kate.

" What the fuck is wrong with you people cant a guy have some me time, first it was you guys now its you guys ". I said pointing to Dylan and Kate then mom and Dad.

" Shut up your mother wants to tell you guys something, well Xavier at least". Dad says but Kate nor Dylan moved.

"You we both sleep around with other people right ". She start off.

" Yeah so what shit happens". I said.

"That's not the point ". Dad says.

" But its...... ".

" Both of you shut Up ". Mom says." Xavier sweetie I'm sorry, i didnt know you had a girlfriend and the other day i was at her house because of the sleeping with other people shit and she kinda saw somethings and so did her mom and she is going to get a divorce with her husband and everyone was so up set and I sorry i ruin her life and....... ".

" Mom".

"But sweetie........".

"Mom...... ".

" Xavier.... ".

"Mother, shut the fuck up and let me talk!". I yelled. "She is not my girlfriend, i haven't even had sex with her and never will, it was just this stupid agreement thing the guys and I did, she is nothing to me". I lied.

I wonder if she is okay.

Fuck that shit.

I don't care.

" Are you sure because you don't seem sure? ".

" Yes i am sure ". I lied again." Now get out before i call the cops for a break in". I said to them.

"Why would you do that? ". Dad asked.

" Uh because i didn't let you guys in, you practically just burst through my door like you own the place ". I said.

" But actually we..... ".

" Dad..... Dad..... Shut Up i didn't ask you from the truth". I said holding up my hand.

"Fine, Then fuck you and ill see you next time ". He says before he and mom closed the door.

" Hey Dad ". I said and he peeked his head at the door side." Fuck you too". I said and he laughed.

Dylan and Kate stood there looking at me.

WHAT?". I asked.

"..... Nothing...... Just,  not even Dylan had that connection with Dad ". She says.

" Yeah whats your secret? ". Dylan asked.

" I don't really know, Dad and I are like the exactly pair so we practically just say anything that comes to our mouths".

"Yeah i know i can see that ". She says nodding her big head.

" Yeah so now you see, now you don't, get the fuck out ". I said to them.

" Fine". She says

"Fine". I said.

I turned to Dylan and he knowing what i was going to say. We just said it together.

"Fuck you bro ".


I rang Lisa's phone for what i don't know because i didn't care for her or anything. I just wanted to know if she was still a live.

And if she is going to die because her parents are getting a divorce but come to think of it my parents are really good.

Going around breaking up couples just because of their stupid marriage failure.

Not that i care or anything.

I'm use to it, some people aren't. And Lisa, she is a nice girl.

Wait back the fuck up.

Did i just say that.

Did i just say she is a nice girl.

Oh fuck.

I'm really becoming a pussy.

Fucking brain stop playing tricks on me before i have to cut you open and repair you with new parts.

Like you can do that pussy. It says back.

Trust me I'm not afraid to kill, you know i have a Mother fucking gun, i have multiple knifes. I said to my brain.

Oh shut Up you fucking coward. It says angrily.

I swear if........ I paused when i heard the phone answer.

"Hello". I heard her say with her little baby voice that sounds so sweet.

Oh shit did i say that out loud.

Please someone examine my brain.

"Xavier, i need you". I heard her say in her sniffles.

"For what?, i mean whats wrong? ".

" There was a car accident and....... Xavier its Aiden". She says and cries out.

"Okay okay call down, which hospital?". I asked as i took up my leather jacket and ran downstairs.

Hey guys

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What do you think happened.

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If not i will just not update at all

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