I Regret It

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Xavier's POV

I stared up at the ceiling replaying what had happened back at Lisa's house. Our make out session didn't go pass kissing but i so wanted to do more. So did she but i couldn't let that happen as yet.

I wanted her to know that i wasn't playing with her feelings. I wanted her to know that i care.

I got up early and got ready for school and drove my black Mustang.

I was now standing by my locker as i await to see Lisa. I wanted to tell her exactly how i feel. I wanted to tell her I'm fallen for her.

"Xavier ". Someone call from beside me.

" Oh hey am......... Who the fuck are you again?".

"Candace ". The girl says.

" Oh hi ". I said to her.

" Hi, i heard you and Adams is going to be a thing now ". She says.

" Yeah why do you care? ". I asked her.

" Because....... We had a thing and I know you still feel something for me ". She says seductively.

" No i don't, i don't even know you ". I said to her honestly.

" Oh you do, we met at one of the latest parties ". She says walking closer to me.

" I'm sorry to disappoint but, no ". I said to her.

She was very close now, her breast now rubbing on my chest.

" Look girl who ever you fucking are, i don't care about you or what you feel, we had a fling, one i don't remember so it had to be my worst, but that life is behind me, so please get out of my face, before i hurt you". I said to her with a nasty glare.

She looked at me shock then her expression changed and she looked at her phone as if reading a message and then she crashed her lips to mine.

Disgusting it was and I push her away and she fell back to her ass a mile away from me.

"Don't, you ever, fucking try that again ". I warn her. I turn to leave when i froze at who I saw.

.............. Lisa

" Lisa this was not what it looks like ". I said to her as i try to read her face expression.

She looked unreadable and I try to approach her.

" D...... Don't okay, just don't, leave me alone, i hate you, i thought we had something, but, clearly we don't ". She says.

" Lisa please let me explain". I begged.

"I don't need your explanation!". She screams at me and ran away.

I slammed my fist into the locker and growled. I wanted to hurt someone so bad, any one who gets in my way.

I walked furiously to the parking lot when a hand gripped me. I flashed it off not looking to see who it was.

" Xavier! ". The person yelled.

" What?". I turned to see Kaila.

"What is going on, i just saw Annalisa running to her car what did you do huh, how dare you break her heart". She says and hit my chest.

"I didn't she saw......".

"She what huh, she saw you making out with some other girl like you always do ".

" Kaila I'm trying to put that life behind me, why is that so hard to fucking believe?". I shouted.

"I don't believe you ". She says crossing her arms over her chest.

" Then fuck you kaila ". I said sadly and attempt to walk away when she grabbed me back.

" Don't you talk to me like that". She says.

"I know everyone hates me you don't have to pretend to like me either so just stay the fuck away from me before you get hurt ". I said to her and flash he hands off me.

" Don't talk to my girlfriend like that". I heard Jordan said  from behind.

"Jordan stay the fuck out of my life, you put me up to this, all of you, I'm not that guy okay, i don't want to be that guy!".

"Xavier why are you like this?". He asked.

"I don't know! ". I said with my hands in the air as i got in the car and sink on the gas leaving the sound of tires behind.

I'm sick of this shit.

I Regret coming to this state, i Regret falling, i Regret everything.

I drove for miles, but, not home. I drove to Dylan's house which is on the other side of town. A three story house that i haven't been to in years.

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