The Big News In Lisa's Family

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Annalisa's POV

After what happened at school today i still couldn't get it in my thick skull that Xavier has a gun. Not even the guys. They all seem so cool about everything, i mean you wouldn't have known. Xavier said i should trust him but I'm not so sure anymore. I don't even know if Xavier is his real name.

He is more confusing than i had thought. He avoid me then he talks back to me then he apologize, something he has never ever done, Then he says I'm to trust him, Then he lies about his name, i don't know anymore.

I went home with Kaila that evening. Not trusting my heart enough to drive home with Xavier since we are not going to be in school today. What if we all get in trouble. What if Xavier get in trouble for having a gun at school. I know he didn't use it but still, what if.

I'm not worried about him I'm just thinking about things that can happen. Why would i be worried about him. He doesn't even care about my feelings. He honestly doesn't know a thing. The day at Aiden's birthday Party when he kissed me, rainbows and butterflies erupted from my gut. His lips were soft and sweet like cherry on a stick. But then he left and stop talking to me. I still want to know why he did that.

I was in my room when i heard the door downstairs open, i thought it was dad and so i got up from the bed and rush downstairs only to find mom. She looked drawn out and stressed like she was over working herself.

"Mom ". I said from the stairs.

" Oh hi sweetie ". She says with a soft voice.

She was not herself, this was not her, not my mom, something is wrong.

" Mom what is it? ". I asked her.

" Nothing why do you think something is wrong? ". She said with a light smile but i know it was fake.

" Mom just tell me what is wrong". I said softly.

"I need to find your Dad, where is he?". She asked.

"I don't think he is home as yet".

"No he is, the car is parked out side ". She tells me.

" Okay ill see if i find him ". I said and walk towards my Dads office. I open the door and was shocked out of my life.

Some woman was on top of him on his desk. Why do i keep finding my parents in such disgusting states.

I almost screamed when i remember that mom was out side waiting.

"Dad ". I said softly and he jumped.

" Annalisa I'm so sorry i didn't...... ".

" Dad just shut Up, mom is out there okay and she is looking for you she wants to see you, something is wrong with her ". I said to him.

" I don't care whats wrong with her ". He says seriously.

" Are you serious right now ". I point to the woman on top of him.

Then i slightly recognise her.

Not again, no no no no no please no please no.

" Are you Xavier's mother". I asked her.

She didn't answer and I know she was. This was the time i screamed my guts out. I screamed and scream and scream so i could get my moms attention, when she ran to the office door i stopped and dropped myself to the floor.

My Dad and the woman didn't move from there position, he was even bold enough that when my mom was standing at the door he told the woman to ride him.

Wasn't that disgusting. My mom wasn't shocked but i could see the hurt in her eyes as the tears ran down her face.

I couldn't take it anymore i got up, push the woman off Dad, took up a bat and started to beat the crap out of his office and anything else that got in my way.

I'm tired of being a good girl I'm tired of playing nice and innocent.

I felt the bat hit something hard and when i look it was Dad, i kept hitting and hitting just the same.

"I'm tired of all this shit okay, if you guys want to live this fucking life happy so be it, if you guys want to fucking ruin it so be it, i don't give a fuck anymore, and I really don't give a fuck that you guys are so happy cheating on each other that you didn't even take a look at the persons your cheating with, they are related, and their fucking Son is my crush when you guys claim to want to get back each other your hurting me!!! ". I screamed at them." Mom tell Dad what you have been waiting to tell him because i don't have any fucking time for you guys anymore, if i don't come home, I'm dead, and if i come home I'm also dead so it doesn't really make a difference now don't it!!". I yelled again cant believe this was really me.

"Jaden ". She started." I...... I'm pregnant ". She says." And I want a divorce, because the baby is not yours and its not that boys father either, i have been cheating for a year now and I really love the guy i don't want you anymore, the things you have done to me i haven't forgot them, and damn you for letting my children think that i was the bad guy, damn you for hitting me that day, i did the things i did to make you feel the pain i was going through, but i guess you are enjoying your time without me so you can keep enjoying it for the rest of your life". She says and gave me a light smile before she walked out.

I gave Dad one last look before i took my car keys and head out myself. I had to go and pick up Aiden, i don't want him to find out from Dad, i want to tell him myself what had happen.

Hey guys how was this chapter

So Annalisa huh

She is being influenced by Xavier.

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