At The Water Park

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How was the last update

I know i know

Xavier POV

We arrived at the water park it was about an hour or two from our school. I still haven't talked to Lisa and didn't intend to .

We got out of the bus and the girls started to scream as Miss Brookline told them they could go and get changed.

And no Miss Brookline is not an old teacher, she is pretty young but she is not really my type.

Well since when do i care about types. I just fuck and dispose.

The guys and i head over to the changing room and because their was just one we had to share with the girls which was fun.

I changed before the guys cause as i said i was just going to where a shorts.

Oh and because the guys were starring at boobs and who has the fattest you know i got changed before them.

That shit is like for babies but of course i looked that wasn't going to get pass me. But because i practically have sex with most of the girls that came on the trip with us, it wasn't that much of a surprise.

AT the corner i spot someone and trust me my eyes almost fell from my head. I had known she was hot but not until now.

She was in a black beach bra and a under wear that was tied to the side.

She was hot as fuck

Trust me when i tell you this she looks hot.

Her hair fell down to her back and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Hey Xavier you ready to go?". I heard someone asked me but i was day dreaming.

I didn't want to take my eyes off her.

The hands waved in front of my eyes and that's when i came back to life.

"Am..... What were you saying". I said to the any one not knowing who was it that was speaking to me.

"You ready to get out there? ". Simon asked.

" Yea....... I'm ready ". I said unsure as Kaila and Jordan walked in front of us leaving Lisa and I behind.

She glance over at me and I could see from the corner of my eyes that she was checking me out. And so was i.

Wait what Did i say that aloud.

I was just kidding i was not checking her out, but she has the cutest pair of boobs i have ever come across and her round ass that moves up and down as she walks.

Her skin was so pale and clean. I didn't even know that we had stopped until someone snapped their finger in front of my face.

Why am i day dreaming?

I look to see Kaila standing in front of me.

"Look here play boy, today is about fun and I want every one to have fun, especially my best friend but the word fun is not fun without you, the normal you, so just forget that anything ever happened and just have fun today with everyone, especially my best friend, and you and my best friend need to make up because i want everyone to have fun today especially my............ ".

" Yea i got it especially your best friend, i understand, gosh". I said cutting her off.

"Great so now that that part of it is solved lets go have some fuck, i mean fun she says dragging a now laughing Jordan with her up to the slide. There were other exciting things to go on but i wanted to do that last. Its more fun.

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