Hallo Spaceboy

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Synopsis: He came somewhere from outer space and Frank wishes he'll stay with him forever. 
A/N: It's a very short drabble, inspired by the said title.  


"No, Gerard, NO!" Frank tries to stop him but it was too late. Gerard intentionally drops his favourite coffee mug. It's a customized mug with Sweet Pea's cute photo printed on it. It was Ray's gift for him last Christmas.

And when his favourite mug drops on the floor, Gerard didn't even wince or show any reaction like a normal human will do when something breaks. He just looked at Frank with those bright hazel eyes, completely oblivious that he just did something wrong. He blinks and then he smiles adorably which is Frank's ultimate weakness. He can never get mad at him though he already destroyed half of his belongings. Sometimes Frank wishes that he can talk though.

He's not even sure if Gerard is really his name. When a spaceship crashed behind his house, he didn't expect that the alien that will emerge out from it looks very human. Actually, he doesn't look different from any human, except that he cannot talk and he gets excited to all things that Frank owns.

And Frank just calls him Gerard because that's the only word he can say. When Frank asks him where he came from, he says 'Gerard.' And when he asks him if he's an alien, he replied 'Gerard' again and if his objective is world domination, he says 'Gerard'  and then he pinched and poked Frank's cheeks without warning. Frank scolds him but Gerard just giggles and Frank already forgives him for doing that.

So Frank decides to just call this alien with bright orange hair wearing a bad blue suit Gerard.

But if Frank will be honest with himself, Gerard's innocence is endearing and Frank will kill anyone who will try to ruin it. And he decides to protect him at all cost and he knows he cannot survive on his own. Gerard is very clumsy, already destroyed most of his stuff and he panics and run away when he hears the toilet flush and he's also at awe when Frank opens the stove. And all these small things makes Frank feel so warm and happy. He's also very pretty, with those bright hazel eyes and sincere smile... And Gerard's loves Sweet Pea too and that's a huge plus. One time he found Sweet Pea sleeping beside Gerard and he can't help but to snap a photo of them. Though Gerard is completely different and he's literally not from this world, this alien makes him smile.

Frank cleans up the broken pieces of his mug before Gerard accidentally steps on it. Gerard finally settled down on his ratty couch and now fiddling his guitar. Frank immediately cleans up the mess Gerard left and joined him at his couch and removing the guitar from his hands before he have the chance to smash it against his coffee table.

"I told you before that you cannot touch this," Frank says, complete with all the hand gesture so Gerard will understand, which Frank completely doubts he will but at least he tried. Gerard tilts his head, blinking. Frank start to strums unconsciously and Gerard looks suddenly interested. Frank remembers that Gerard is also amazed with music and any instrument that make sounds.

Frank resumes on strumming and Gerard watches him with genuine interest. And before Frank knows it, he's already playing his favourite song.

He played a few more songs for him before he notices that Gerard starts to doze. Very quietly, Frank places his guitar down to his armchair and went to his bedroom to grab a blanket. And when Frank returned, Gerard is already sleeping. Frank carefully moves Gerard until he's now laying flat on his back, with a throw pillow behind his head. Frank then covers him with his own blanket and Gerard's body curl and smiles.

As Frank starts to run his fingers through Gerard's hair, what he can only hope is that this spaceboy will stay in his life forever.

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