Chapter 11

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Marshall Lee's P.O.V

"Fionna, get back," I said as soon as I turned around.

My mother stood right in front of me looking at Fionna is disgust.

"Marshall Lee, you haven't you killed this stupid girl yet. She is food, not a person. She needs to be sacrificed to you so you can live. This girl isn't important," she said looking strait into my eyes.

"Mom, go back to where you came from. Get out of here," I said putting my arm back to protect Fionna.

"I don't follow the orders of my son. You follow my orders. Now kill the girl," she said showing her teeth.

"No, I won't," I said.

"You leave me no choice now," she said extending her arms out.

She went towards Fionna and I. My mom grabbed my arm and pushed me to the side. My body hit the wall and I heard a crash that came from the wall. There was no pain in my back, it is kinda good that I am a vampire, but being a vampire can have its downfalls. I got up quickly and went toward my mom before she touched Fionna. As I jumped on my mom I grabbed her long,black hair and threw her on the ground. We rolled together while I was punching her as hard as I could.

Both of us hissed at each other and then my mom punched me in the stomach. I laid on the ground and then immediately I got up to go protect Fionna. My mom walked up to Fionna. I ran towards her and jumped on her back. I bit her hard on the neck while her black curly hair was in my face. To be honest I didn't care if my mom died or not. When she fell on the ground covering her neck I knew she wanted to kill me then. I grabbed Fionna's hand and we headed to the front door. Then I grabbed my red bass and we went outside. I put my bass behind my back and I used my powers to transform myself into a giant bat. Fionna climbed on me with her green backpack strapped onto her back. I could tell that Fionna was in a lot of pain from running so fast.

"Don't worry. We will be fine," I told her.

I kept on looking back to make sure my mom wasn't following me. I knew that if I bit my mom it would have no effect on her, but it would still hurt. She must have transported back to the Nightosphere to fix herself up.

"Where are we going?" Fionna asked with her head resting on me.

"I don't know, do you have anything in mind? We are pretty lucky it's raining, that way I won't burn up," I said.

I felt the rain fall on me as we left the cave. It wasn't cold to me, but Fionna was shivering.

Fionna's P.O.V

As Marshall Lee and I left the cave, the rain fell on us. It was cold and wet, I hate being wet. I guess I get that from being raised with Cake. Cake! I forgot about Cake! I need to go to the tree house.

"We need to go to the tree house by the Candy Kingdom," I said to Marshall Lee.

"Oh, that old thing," he said.

Does he know where it is?

"I will tell you where to go," I said.

"Don't worry, I know were to go. I use to live in that tree house. I went by the old tree house I use to live in and saw that cat of yours in it," he said.

I didn't know he lived in that tree house.

"Marshall Lee, why don't you get along with your mom?" I asked.

He sighed and said," She... She was never around during my childhood and when I saw her again in the Nightosphere we didn't get along. It just... It just didn't work out so I came to Aaa to get away from her."

We stayed in silence the whole way to the tree house. I couldn't relate to Marshall Lee except the part where he didn't have his mom during his childhood. I never met my mom or my dad, even if I did, they were not around to care for me when I was younger. Cake's parents took me in and that is how Cake and I became best friends, even close sisters. I didn't ask Marshall Lee who took care of him when he was younger because I thought that asking that would be to personal. If he wanted to tell me that, he would have already told me that.

When we arrived to the tree house both of us were soaking wet. So much for a shower. I was shivering and cold, but Marshall Lee looked fine. I looked at the tree house and didn't see any lights on. I grabbed the door job and turned it. It was locked.

"Well I guess we're going to stay here until Cake shows up," I told Marshall Lee.

"Why wait? We can see if there is a window unlocked," he said picking his feet off the ground.

He went towards one window and tried to get in.

"Locked," he said.

"Try the highest window. If you see a bed in there then try to open the window. I think I left that window unlocked," I said.

He went to the highest window and pushed it. Unlocked. He came down and extended his arm to me.

"Grab on. We can fly up there," he said with a smile.

I grabbed his hand and we went to the opened window. Both of us went inside the dark tree house and we shut the window. I looked inside and noticed that there was no sign of Cake any where. I wounded if she is out.

"I remember this room," Marshall Lee said.

"I can't believe that you lived here," I said.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago," he said.

"I am going to change out of these wet clothes," I told him.

"Ok," he said sitting on the floor.

I walked to my dresser and grabbed my light blue shirt and another pair of dark blue jeans. Although I love to wear my dark blue skirt, I was not going to freeze to death. I walked into the bathroom and changed. As soon as I was done changing I heard a noise from downstairs. Could that be Cake or BMO? I walked out of the bathroom and saw Marshall Lee standing up.

"What was that noise?" I asked him.

"I don't know, let's go check it out," he said.

I followed him down the ladder and all I could see was the light from the lightning outside, everything was pitch dark. I went to go turn on a light, but Marshall Lee grabbed my hand before I pressed the lift switch.

"Don't, you might scare off the intruder. I can see through the dark. Stay close by me," he said.

I did what he said and stayed right beside him. He took me all round, through the kitchen and the treasure we had. Even thing seemed to be ok. Then we heard a loud bang from the kitchen. Marshall Lee hissed and put me behind him. We walked to the kitchen and everything went quiet. As we reached the kitchen Marshall Lee picked up the pot that fell on the floor. He showed it to me and put it on the counter. All of a sudden something came out of the dark and attacked Marshall Lee. Something stuck to Marshall Lee's face. Then he fell on the ground.

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