Chapter 18

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Fionna's P.O.V

Then I heard a knock on the door. I got up really quick at first because it scared me a little. I had no idea who was at my door. It's probably Cake, she might be checking up on me. As I pulled my covers off of me, I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I pulled on my white bunny hat and adjusted it, I wore the hat so my long blonde hair wouldn't get in my face while I am sleeping. Even though I wasn't tired my eyes hurt. I walked to the door and turned the door handle gently so nobody would hear it. I looked up to see Marshall Lee smiling at me.

"Hey Fionna. What's up?" He asked.

"Ha, nothing much. Just trying to sleep, but I can't," I replied.

"Sleep, I don't get that a lot," he said.

He flew over my head and sat on my bed.

"You know, Cake stayed up for awhile looking at me and watching me, but eventually she fell asleep. So then I got bored and came over here to see what you were up to," he said.

I closed the door and walked over to the other side of the pink bed. I sat down next to Marshall Lee and sighed.

"Well I am not doing anything exciting, as you can see," I said look at him.

"I think I can change that," he said smiling.

Marshall Lee leaned towards me and kissed me. As I kissed him back he pulled me closer towards him. He pulled off my white bunny hat, I felt my blonde hair fall down. He gently grabbed my hair and continued to kiss me. I liked Marshall Lee, a lot, and I felt weird when I am with him. It felt good and bad at the same time, but I ignored it. We both opened up our eyes, but for some reason both of his eyes where all black with red in the center of them. We continued to kiss each other, the kisses were soft, gentle while still having a spark in between us. It was awesome.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I came to visit Fionna to hang out, but we did more than just "hanging out." I don't know why I am trying to maintain a relationship with, what my mother says, "prey." Fionna was more than a piece of food. She was creative, kind, and a good sort of different. To be honest, when I first met her I was trying to look evil, but I am really not. It was all and act. But, not a softy like that Prince Gumball. I can be pretty bad and not care about anything, but I am still a good person. Just like the Ice Queen use to tell me when I was younger.

While I was kissing Fionna my eyes changed into their demon form. I don't know why that happened, but sometimes I can't control that. I leaned over her and kissed her neck. It looked so good to take a bite of, but I was able to control myself and not attack her. I couldn't do that to Fionna, I don't think I could. Thank Glob there is no windows in this room.

Fionna put her arms around me and continued to kiss me. I felt her touch my vampire teeth with her tounge. She paused for a moment and then continued on. I put my arms around her waist and felt the wound she had. It was almost gone, those wizard pills I stole from the Ice Queen must have helped her a lot. I took it to a whole new level. I grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. Now we are getting serious.

Fionna's P.O.V

I woke up looking at a pink ceiling. What? Then I remembered that I had to stay in the Candy Kingdom for my own safety. I looked at the desk next to the bed and saw a clock with a lamp right next to it turned on. It said it was 5:14 am. I turned to the other side of the bed to see someone hovering over the bed. At first I was scared, but then I saw it was Marshall Lee. I remember what happened between us, what we did.

My hair covering one of my eyes so I brushed it away from my face. I went to go scratch my back to notice my shirt wasn't there and neither was pants, I looked down from the bed to see them lying there. My head turned quickly towards Marshall Lee to notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. Did I take his shirt off? I giggled to myself and laid there for awhile.

I was thinking about Marshall Lee and I. What we did and how I liked it. I smiled to myself, I would have done boring stuff without Marshall Lee in my life. It was good to have Marshall Lee in my life.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. It was kinda loud, but Marshall Lee didn't wake up from that sound. I put my shirt and pants on quickly and walked to the door. Who could be here so early in the morning? I turned the door knob and opened the door.

This time a black bag went over my head.

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