Chapter 33

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Fionna's P.O.V

"Will you marry me?"

I felt time froze when Marshall asked that question. A second later the word yes came out of my mouth. I jumped up and hugged Marshall. My feelings over came me and I started to cry tears of happiness. I couldn't let go of Marshall because I was so happy. He slipped a diamond ring on my finger with something red inside of the diamond.

"What's this red stuff Marshall?" I asked.

"It's my blood. It means that we will be together forever," he said blushing.

"I thought that vampires don't bleed," I said.

"We don't have real blood, it's just a substitute of blood. It looks like blood, but it's not blood at all," he said.

"Oh, I like it," I said smiling.

"Bunny, I'm glad you said yes," Marshall said.

"I'm glad you asked," I said smiling.

I went to kiss Marshall and he kissed me back. This kiss wasn't like any other kiss. This kiss was more passionate and meaningful. We stayed like that until I could breath anymore. I pulled apart from Marshall and laid my head on his chest.

"You're my good little girl," he said.

"You're my bad little boy," I said.

---The Next Day---

I woke up next to Marshall wearing nothing. Haha. I looked at him and he wasn't wearing anything either. I remember him bringing me to the tree house and we went crazy. I grabbed his black hair and kissed him even more. We some how managed to get up stairs in the bedroom and he was taking off my clothes while I did the same thing to him. He began to kiss all up and down my body. We kissed more and more. I started to moan later on ;) then I remember him finishing and we laid back down on the bed side by side. We both were panting hard.

"I love you Fionna," he said.

"I love you Marshall," I said laying my head on his chest.

Then I fell asleep. I looked around the room and noticed that one of my fingers on my left hand was heavy. Then I realized it was the ring. All of a sudden a sharp pain hit me on the back. I fell to the floor trying to grab what hit me, but there was nothing on my back. All I felt was raw skin on my back. I tried to forget about it and surprisingly the pain went away. I put on underwear and an old T-shirt that went to my knees. I crawled back on the bed and snuggled with Marshall. A few minutes later Marshall Lee woke up and greeted me with a smile.

"Why hello Fi," he said.

"Hey Marshall," I said.

"Well I hope last night was as fun for you as it was for me," he said winking.

"Yeah, about last night. Can you check my back?" I asked.

Marshall started to snicker and said," Oh don't worry. Your back is fine."

I got up and went to the mirror in the bathroom, Marshall followed me in the bathroom wearing boxers. I lifted up my shirt and gasped.

There was a large M carved on my back.

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