Chapter 33

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Two Hours Later
Princess's POV :

I was physically drained. The teachers had found out Tiana was lying about being pregnant, so we had to fight again. I'm not going to lie she put up a pretty good fight, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

It was break time everyone had fought and we were waiting on the two girls they choose, and the two boys.

I was in the girls locker room laying down on one of the benches. Chewing ice to cool down I couldn't help but think how lucky I was that Harambe wasn't pregnant with Jay's baby. A lot of people go through that, and I'm glad I'm not one of them.

I got up, and went back to the field. I seen the crew talking to me, and Jay's mom. I didn't wanna be bothered so I sat somewhere else.

I found a place close to them, but not too close. I was above them, but I'm not sure they noticed me there.
I felt something press against my arm, and I turn over seeing Derrick. I mentally roll my eyes and look forward.

"Wassup haven't seen you in a while" he said as I nod my head not interested.
"You're doing good kicking ass" he continued on but I sounded him out when Jayceon gave me a death glare.

I gave him a uneasy smile, and he turned back around mumbling something. Crystal looked at me like I screwed up. I just shook it off, I was to tired, and I did nothing.

"He your nigga now ?"

"Something like that, why?"
"Maybe because I want to start over with you " he said, as I shook my head.

This nigga is out of his mind if Jay knew he was talking like this it would be over for the both of us. 

Getting up I never understood why guys always waited to want to fix things when it was too late. He pulled my arm harshly, as I yanked it away moving from him.
"Don't touch me " I said sternly wanting him to get the point.
"Look I'm sorry, we all make mistakes. You can't tell me you didn't do anything that you felt was bad in our relationship " he says looking over at Jayceon then to me.

I sighed heavily "You're telling me that you knew we were messing around the whole time, and you still wanted to be with me? " I asked as he shook his head.

" Yea I understand y'all have a bond that me, and you will never have. All I'm saying is that if it ever gets hard with him you know who you can call" he said looking dead in my eyes.

"Thanks for being concerned but she's good " I heard Jayceon's voice say behind me.
I froze, and leaned back on him, but he moved telling me he was pissed.

Derrick walked away, and I looked up to Jayceon. I hated that I was so short compared to him at times like this he intimidates the shit out of me.

" I-I-I didn't do anything " I said, as he gave me a blank stare.

" Go in the bathroom "
I looked at him confused, but the way he was looking at me I wasn't going to question what he was saying.

I hurried to the bathroom, and a couple minutes passed before he came in, and locked the door.

Lucas's POV:

I'm sitting next to Princess's friend Kayla, and I'm not even gon' lie she's beautiful. She saw me looking at her, and she turned around blushing.

"Why you blushing ma? " I asked as she smiled before saying " you keep looking at me." 

" What's wrong with me looking at you ?"
" nothing I guess" she says before staring in my eyes.

I licked my lips, and she covered her cheeks trying to cover that she was blushing. I laughed pulling her hands off her face.

"Stop covering it, nothing is wrong with it. Let me get your number though " she smiled before taking my phone.

Crystal's POV:

I was sweating cats, and rats. This was all too much for me.
Anthony started shaking his leg, causing me to shake, and hit him on the chest.

" Keep shaking me, and I'ma get off your lap. It's to hot for all that ."
He sucked his teeth, and I pecked his lips.

Ladies, and Gentlemen in five minutes we will be announcing the two females , and males who will be fighting for the win .
I'm so over this shit, I hope I'm not fighting next.

I started looking around for Princess but I couldn't find her. I seen Kayla, and Lucas causing me to smile. They would be real cute together.

"You seen Princess ?" I ask Anthony

He squints and points saying " there she go. "

I look ahead to see her walking with a limp, with a glowing face. Jayceon was behind her with the 'I just got pussy look.'

When they came over I stuck my tongue at her, causing her to laugh. Jayceon just shook his head.

"Babe" I said turning around to Anthony.
"hm" he replied with
"My best friend was all on Jayceon's dick like this a couple of minutes ago " I said while arching my back and moving on his now hard member.

He grunted and told me to stop. Princess, and I laughed while Anthony started talking to Jayceon.

I interrupted "Jayceon why you couldn't wait to fuck P until y'all was at your house ?" I ask

Smirking before answering he says" I had to show her who it belong to real quick." Princess lowers her head blushing before sneaking a look at his dick.

" AHHH OK I SEE YOU " they all shook their head at me. I was the loud openly freaky one in the group.

Jayceon's POV:

It's real hot today, all I wanna do is go home, lay with Princess , and smoke a blunt.

Everyone take their seats , and we will announce the final four.
All parents and students sat down somewhere being quiet.
Ok this was a really tough decision, since there was so much going on ...
But we came to a conclusion. The two males that will be fighting are Jayceon ... and Derrick. The two females will be Princess, and Veronica.

Everyone looks at us, then looks at Veronica, and Dave.

"Fuck y'all looking at " I say.

My mom hits me in the back of the head with her hand. 
"You ready? " Princess asks
"Let's handle our business babygirl" he said

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