Chapter 22

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Princess's POV:
My eyes opened and I saw Derrick in front of me sleeping. I lifted up and looked at the clock on the wall seeing that it was only 8:13. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I got out of his grip and walked to the bathroom.

I went in the shower for thirty minutes and got out putting on my pink sweat suit and my uggs. I left my hair curly and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I noticed no one was up so I decided to make breakfast. I was going to make pancakes, sausage, bacon, and eggs.
I was putting all the food on big plates and siting them in the middle of the dining table. I started washing dishes when I seen Ms. Tasha come downstairs.

"YOU COOKED" she screamed making me jump a little. Nodding my head laughing, she gave me a hug saying thank you.

"What's with all the screaming," Casey asked coming down the stairs with sleep still in her face. Following behind her was Jay and Tiana. 

"I smell food," Jayceon said, as Casey screamed" OH MA GOD you cooked. WIFEY MATERIAL!"

I smiled and turned my head to see Jayceon smiling at me. I gave him one back and listened to Casey continue to talk.

"Okay go brush your teeth, and wash your face so we can eat. I smell the breath from here. Whew chile the ghetto." Ms. Tasha said offending them, as they all mugged her going upstairs. I noticed Derrick didn't come down so I went upstairs to wake him up.

The man was knocked out snoring. I went over to him taking the covers off of him, as he moved a little waking up.


"Wake up I made food and-"

I didn't even get to finish the sentence before he ran out the bed into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Laughing going back downstairs, about ten minutes later they came down and we started eating.
"This is so good baby," D stated with a mouth full of food kissing me on my cheek as I smiled at him.
"How long have you two been dating ?" Casey asked squinting her eyes at us.
"Not for long." I responded before Casey and Ms. Tasha both responded with "mhm."

I swear my mom, and them have 'mhm' problems. I chuckled continuing eating.

When we were done Derrick,Tiana, Jay, and I decided to go to the mall for a few just to get a gift for Casey tomorrow.

When we arrived I went into Pandora with Derrick and Jay went into LV.
I got her a bracelet with a bunch of charms, and Jay got her a LV duffle bag and book bag.

We got back to the house and I went to find Casey remembering her telling me we need to have Girl Talk.

Knocking on the door she didn't answer but I heard her singing Don't  by Bryson Tiller, so I figured she had her headphones on. Walking in, she was turned to her wall dancing, with indeed headphones on.

I stood there laughing pulling out my phone to take a video. Turning around she screamed as I quickly put my phone away.

"Not funny "

"My fault, okay what did you want to talk about?" I asked smiling waiting to see what she was going to tell me.

I sat at the edge of her bed and she sat in the middle in criss cross apple sauce.

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