Chapter 62

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Princess's POV:

"I'm glad you told me because no matter what terms were on I never want you to go through this on your own" he said making me nod my head feeling like a weight lifted off of my shoulders.

"Please don't think we are all the way good right now either." 


"okay" I said looking down at the floor, we were in the bathroom, I was sitting on the toilet, and he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

I had just finished telling him how the dreams I use to have, and feeling of killing myself started to come back. I use to feel this way a lot when my dad passed. I loved my mom, and my life, but I just wanted to be with my dad again.

No one understood that though.

"Listen-" he reached up to touch me, and I moved.

"No Jayceon why are you even mad at me? I wasn't your girl at the time. I did not have to be loyal to you, the only person who did was the girl on the couch out there. I just want my best friend back"

He stepped back, a little I guess taken back from the tone in my voice. " You weren't my girl that was correct" he said getting up going by the sink looking in the mirror. "But I treated you like you were my girl everyone knew I would do anything for you. It has always been my mom, my sister, and Princess, and you knew that to." He stated looking away from the mirror, and stopping touching his hair to say that.

Knew? Past tense. Calm down

"Now Bianca apart of that now. I will always love you, and shit if you want to work on a friendship with me again, it will take time." 

"I'm not about to beg you to be my friend. I understand what I did I shouldn't have done, at that moment I looked at it as I'm not this niggas girl it should not matter. Me even doing you the favor I was doing you had to know somewhat something was going to happen" I said getting up moving in front of him looking up rolling my eyes.

Turning around in the mirror as he was behind me hovering over me  I fixed my hair that was starting to fizz up. " I bet you didn't talk to Karin about this, but people love to put the blame on Princess. But you got that bitch outside you good on me." I said instantly causing a reaction from him.

Which I wanted this whole time

He grabbed my neck, still in the back of me, as we stared at each other through the mirror.

" I know you haven't seen me in a minute, but remember who you talking to. You ain't gonna call B, a bitch, because when I was close with you no one could ever talk down on you in front of me. Give her the same respect you would want. I'm not good on you. You don't think I don't miss my best friend too? Stop playing victim right now, because the only one innocent in this whole house is Bianca, because we killed her cousin."

He was right. Why am i even doing all of this? 

Because you miss him

"You're right, just please don't give up on our friendship yet, lets just slowly find a way to get back on our shit" I said slightly laughing, as he moved his hands off of my neck.

"Alright ma that's fine". He said slightly smiling too.

"You the only one who can stress me out, and make me laugh right after" I smiled, and quickly gave him a peck, and ran out the bathroom opening the door quickly.

"You a fucking mess on God" he said as we laughed me still running away.

Going back to the living I saw the mug Bianca was giving me, and I smirked.

We definitely not going to get along on mommy.

"So where have ya'll been, fucking?" Tarell asked crossing his legs, before blowing, and sipping his tea out of Kayla's pink coffee cup, I assume he got while we were gone.

"yup" I said popping my p, earning all of their heads to turn my way, and I looked at Karin rolling her eyes.

"Is there a problem?" I said turning my body to her. The way we were sitting it was Jay on the couch in front of me, next to him Bianca, Crystal then Lucas, and Kayla. On my side it was Princess, Karin, Anthony, then Tarell. 

" I just find it crazy how he had you all sad, then you talking about you not fucking with him again, and then look you over there fucking him."

"Yo chill we were just talking, not that it's your business."Jayceon said throwing his hand over Bianca's head getting more comfortable, earning a mug from me, that he returned right back.

"Yea relax cause yea we cool, but I get crazy with anyone, and regardless that's always going to be my nigga" I said earning a "oop" from Crystal.

"That's your problem right there stop making sound effects, before you get involved in that shit" Anthony said looking up from his phone shaking his head at Crystal.

"No bitch you mind your business" she said staring at him.

"wait until we get home yo" he said going right back to his phone.

" Princess let me correct you on something, you said Jayceon always gon' be your nigga, and he's not. That's a lot of ya'll bitches problem. No nigga belongs to you, he's not a item, and if anything right now, at this very moment, he's mine". Bianca finished, leaving my mouth ajar.

You gon' let her talk to you like that? The voice in my head said.

Yo shut up

Only thing you could hear is the slurping sound of Tarell drinking his tea with his dramatic unnecessary self.

Jay putting his head down said "can all three of ya'll just chill."

"yea a nigga about ready to play the game, watch a movie, somethin'. This making me uncomfortable. I told you we shouldn't have had it here.'" Lucas said playing with his curly hair, as Kayla looked around the room nervously. I was about ready to leave though.

"I'm gonna go home" I said getting up gathering my things. " No Princess sit down we not running anymore damn. All of ya'll get on my damn nerves. We spent to much time apart to be going through all of this. P, J, together or not please don't bring anymore drama into the group, new girl keep your mouth in check, Karin shut the fuck up, Tarell stop starting shit, and then we will be good" Anthony said with his nose flaring.

A was always one of the chill, joking type of dudes, so seeing him serious we must really be doing something. Crystal stared at him in shock too.

" I know I'm a huge part of the problem, and I'm sorry because our group was never like this so I promise to chill, because regardless I love you guys." 

"love you too" they all responded back besides Brittany.

"Good because chile I was beginning to think we were going to separate" Tarell said sipping his tea once again. Lucas threw a pillow at him, almost knocking it out of his hand.

"Nigga there is some good hennessy in here, don't make me drop my shit"

"And Bentley?" I said looking at the girl Jayceon brought "you're absolutely right, he's all yours" Jay stared at me but I ignored looking at him.

She wanna play, we can play.

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