Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I laid in Trey's bed realizing just how close we had come to having sex. Oh my God. I didn't think I could wait any longer. I wonder what his mom had to talk to him about? I hope he wasn't in trouble because he brought me home. But how would she know?

I saw the door open and Trey ran down the steps and jumped into bed with me. "What happened?" I asked. "Nothin', she wanted to see what was up with Lane and I. I'm gonna talk to him today". "Ok, you guys should, and I have a few things to tell him myself," I smiled. Trey wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, kissing my neck and massaging my butt. "Ok, time to get up", he said as he slapped my ass. Ugh. I knew he wouldn't let me get my way. So I got up, got dressed, and after he went upstairs and told his mom he was coming to see me, we snuck out the basement door and left.

Once we arrived at my house, I had to, once again, lie to my mom. I told her Trey picked me up from Demarra's to get breakfast. We sat on the porch and I kissed him before going to take a shower. He asked Lane if he could talk to him for a few minutes. I didn't even want to hear that conversation.

I let the hot, steamy water run all over me as I rocked back and forth to loosen my stiff bones. I was still tired. We definitely didn't get much sleep last night. I thought about how close we were to having sex. I was ready. Definitely. I wouldn't have regretted it a bit, had it actually happened. I let out a frustrated sigh and turned the water off. I listened to make sure there was no fighting going on, it was totally silent. I got out, put my hair in a towel and quietly went into my room. I pulled on a teal-blue short Bandeau dress and let my hair out of the towel. I still hadn't heard any noise from downstairs; I decided I'd go check it out.

At the bottom of the stairs I could hear my mom's voice quietly speaking. Trey's truck was no longer outside. I crept over to the laundry room door and listened as I heard my mom and Lane whispering. "...not like that at all Lane, I think you've got it all wrong. I'm the mother here, why would I let something like that happen..." What the hell was she talking about? I decided I needed to give Lane my two cents anyway so I opened the door. Both of them looked like they were entertaining in some illegal activity with the "deer-in-the-headlights" look they both had. "What the hell is the problem here?" I screamed, directing my question at Lane. "I talked to Trey, and Morgan, I hate to tell you, but he is in it to get your virginity and that's it, just another notch on his belt. I don't want to see you get hurt so I forbid you to see him again" he belted out. "What the F*CK are you talking about Lane? He has turned ME down, several times, for sex. So until you know what is really going on, how about minding your own damn business", I screamed before slamming the door and running to my room.

How the hell could he judge Trey on the very short amount of time he's seen him. He was SUCH as ass, out of all people I never imagined him to be so stupid. My phone was vibrating as I stormed into my bedroom. It was Trey. "Hey baby, what happened?" I asked. "Man your brother has it out for me bad, he thinks I'm some kind of man-whore that's just out to get you in bed and be done, I'm not sure what his deal is but he doesn't know me Morgan, he can't judge me like that." "I know Trey, I know, I just went off on him. Can I meet you somewhere? I have to get out of here." "You want some ice cream?" he asked, I could tell he was smiling.

I put some mousse through my hair and slipped my flip-flops and sunglasses on and left. Mom was trying to talk to me the entire time but I didn't want to hear it. I pulled up to the ice cream shop and Trey wasn't there yet. I got out and saw a few people from school so I chatted with them until he got there. Of course their first words were questions about Trey and I. I just told them he was my boyfriend, what else did they need to know? I felt a slight rub on my ass and I knew it was him, he was so good at sneaking those in public. I said goodbye to my friends and we sat in the nearest booth. Trey wrapped his arm around me and squeezed. "I'm so sorry about Lane, I don't know what his problem is, but he's leaving tomorrow to go back to school." "It's fine baby, I don't care what anyone has to say about us, we know the truth, so don't worry". He gave me that sweet reassuring smile that let me know it was ok. We ordered our ice cream and talked for a while. I went home and took a catnap and got ready for our date. We were going to dinner and then to see the new horror movie that had just come out. I didn't care what we did as long as I was with him.

3 Weeks Later


I let myself into Morgan's house and yelled her name. "In my roooooom" she yelled back. I opened her door to find her putting her hair into a ponytail. Damn she was fine. Gorgeous. I couldn't get enough of her. "Ready babe?" I asked. "Yep, gimme one sec", she said as she kissed me. I hated the fact that the other guys at our school got pleasure in looking at her all day. I wish I had every class with her. I missed her when we weren't together.

I helped her into my truck and on the way to school she mentioned that kid J.C. again. She had been feeling bad because she promised him a date after homecoming, but I kind of came along and messed that up. I could see why she would feel bad but I also could see how he needed to back the hell up and understand. It wasn't happening. I wasn't about to let something I loved, yes loved, so much, go. Not me. I'm too selfish. I hadn't told Morgan I loved her yet, but I do. So much. I think she feels the same way but I haven't mentioned it. Things were perfect like they were. Besides the fact that her brother hated me. He'd get over it too. Her mom was coming around, after seeing Morgan as upset as she was over how Lane acted. She knows the deal. We still had not engaged in sexual activity. I'd avoided it at all costs. I was so used to taking advantage of girls, I didn't want that with Morgan. I would explain myself eventually, the time just wasn't right yet. Not now. I know she felt rejected and she deserved an explanation, it takes a lot of nerve to tell her my problems though. But I would.

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