The Beauty and The Bad Boy Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"What the F*CK were you doing at Joe's house Morgan? How did this happen?"

"Um, today at s-..."

"Never mind, we'll talk about it later, are you okay?" I asked.

"I think so, just sore, I'm so sorry Trey, I should have never gone over th-..."

"Save it, I don't want to hear it". I yelled back. I was SO pissed off at her for putting herself in that situation. It should have never even been an issue. Every time I almost calmed down I thought back to the phone call.

I didn't know the number on the caller ID but I answered anyway. All I could hear was "HELL NO, get away from me JOE!"

I could tell by the terrified voice that Morgan had, something was very wrong. I continued to listen as hard as I could and heard the bastard trying to coax her into believing he did something she wanted. I was going to kill him. That's all there was to it. The police better be glad they were able to pull me away from him. Next time he wouldn't be so lucky. I looked down at Morgan's beaten and bruised face and felt my heart ache. I could only imagine what she has been through today. I felt bad for being so ill with her, but this could have been prevented had she used her head. She should have known he was up to no good.

I rubbed her forehead, she had a bloody/black left eye and her forehead had a gash in it. He was going to be in some serious trouble. Then as soon as he is released, I will get mine. Tears filled her gorgeous chocolate eyes and I leaned down and kissed her.

"I'm sorry baby, I got carried away. I hate that you put yourself in a situation like this and I partly blame myself, I feel like somehow I could have stopped this from happening. I'm going to kill him Morgan, don't worry about that."


I closed my eyes and tried to pinpoint the locations that I felt pain. My head, definitely. My arms and legs were tired, not really hurting all that bad, and between my legs, I felt extremely sore. I wondered exactly what happened. I felt disgusting. I wanted to take a shower so bad. Trey was so quiet, I knew he was enraged. I also wonder if he knew Joe possibly raped me. Would he ever want to be with me again? This could ruin our relationship. The first (and last) time we had sex, he made it a point to call it "his". I felt so violated, and used, and pathetic. I'd never had low self-esteem, but now, I felt... nasty.

Once we arrived at the hospital, Trey was asked to wait in the waiting area. A foreign Doctor came in to see me, who's name I didn't catch. Tears were still rolling but I was calmer. He examined my head injuries. As he was looking, I suddenly felt nauseated. "I'm going to get sick" I said quietly. A nurse was at my side immediately with a bedpan. "I was afraid of that," the Doctor said. "Looks like you have a pretty bad concussion sweetheart, how does your head feel?"

"Like someone dropped a ton on it, it's pounding and I keep seeing black spots," I answered. "Yes, definitely a concussion," he said. The nurse put ice packs on my face and asked me to take some deep breaths and relax.

The Dr. was explaining to her the types of injuries he saw and she was recording them on paper. Apparently, I had a large 4" gash on my forehead, which would require stitches. My eye was badly bruised and I had a knot on the side of my head. Other than that, my arms were bruised and red. I then heard him tell the nurse to page the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, that I would need a rape exam.

I lay there feeling low. I had never felt this low. I realized the tears had stopped, probably because I was out of tears. I felt so physically and mentally exhausted. I just wanted to shower and sleep. The nurse came back in and explained the procedure for putting the stitches in. She gave me a shot of anesthetic and got to work. She asked me if I was in a lot of pain, rated 0-10 I told her I was about a 7. She finished up the stitches and brought 2 blue tablets to me with a cup of water. I downed the pills and lay back again. I closed my eyes and waited.

When I awoke, I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, but the "SANE" nurse was there. She explained to me that she specialized in rape and sexual assault patients. She did make me feel more comfortable before she began the exam. She had spoken with the police and had gotten a written statement from Joe. Bastard. His name made me cringe. The police would be in to speak with me shortly. In the meantime, I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

Another 20 minutes or so later, the female police officer came into my room. "Hi, Morgan, I'm Officer Petty with the Sierra Vista PD, I want you to give me an account of what happened this evening between you and Mr. Miller. I slowly told her everything that happened, what I could remember, and between sobs, tried to be explicit as possible. Once I told her I had called Trey, she said she would speak with him as well. She had the SANE nurse came back in to see me; they both sat side by side in front of me.

"Hi Morgan, I have the results of the tests, there are a few things I'd like to go over with you," the nurse said. Sandra I think was her name.

"Mr. Miller did sexually assault you, however, it was not a full on rape. According to him, and the exam I performed, he did try, but his erection was not substantial, therefore he wasn't able to penetrate fully. He did cause a few small lacerations on your outer vaginal wall, but as far as full intercourse, he did not have. We did run some tests on you for STD's and we checked to see if he had leaked any fluids into you, he did not, so I hope this helps you feel a little bit better." She said that more as a question than an answer.

Officer Petty took over "But he is being charged with kidnapping, since he held you in his home against your will, sexual assault, and assault and battery. Believe me, he is in plenty of trouble Ms. Verdes, we will be sure he gets what he deserves. After that happened, he became frustrated, so he went to take a shower. He said he realized during his shower that he was wrong and should not have attempted to hurt you. He must have elbowed you extremely hard to cause that type of trauma. I'm very sorry you had to endure something this life shattering, we are doing all we can to prosecute from every angle."

Well, that was better than being told I was raped. Right? At least he didn't get it all the way in. Hell anything was enough with him though. Who would have ever thought?

Just then my mom was brought into the room by another staff member. She had obviously been crying her eyes out and apparently they made her wait in the waiting room with Trey until I was finished with the police. Trey told her what he was told by the police, I wasn't sure exactly what that was but I didn't feel like talking about it.

"Can I please take a shower, I feel disgusting?" I asked. "Of course," Sandra said. She helped me into the tiny shower in my room and I scrubbed until I thought I'd bleed. I eventually sat down and just cried. I can't believe this has happened to me. I would give ANYTHING to have used my head and realized that the situation wasn't safe. My mom sat outside the shower, not saying much to my surprise. When I got out, she was there to help me. She wrapped me in a towel and hugged me for the longest time. "Mom, I have some clothes in my car, will you please go get them?" I asked. "Honey, Trey has your clothes, he made sure I stopped by to get them before I even came here. Do you want to see him?" she asked. "Of course I do, please!" I realized he had more than likely been in that waiting room well over 2 hours now. I should have had them bring him in much earlier. I know he was still upset. I just hoped this didn't tear us apart. It can't. Can it?

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