The Beauty and The Bad Boy Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Trey's POV

Damn. It's been so long since I drank this much I felt like I was out of my mind. I knew I wouldn't be able to drive. How f*cking immature could I possibly get? I knew when I met up with these guys I'd get in some trouble. Eric is a friend of mine that works at the Y with me, his brother Chris and his friends had a poker party and invited me. Since Morgan was acting like a selfish brat, I decided to go. When the first beer when down so well, the rest came quickly after. I was wasted. All I could think about was Morgan. I had been ignoring her all night. I didn't even bother to bring my phone in with me. I didn't want to say something I didn't mean. I'm bad about being extremely mouthy when I'm drinking. I would never want to do that to her. She brings out the best in me. I can't let her go, not this easy.

I looked around the room and everything became blurry. My head felt so heavy. "Eric, man, I need to get to the house, I am f*cked up." "I know man, look, come in Chris' room and lay down for a while, sleep some of it off. I'm too drunk to take you home right now man, sorry." Yeah, some friends they are, but this is my fault. I stumbled behind him to Chris' room. He shut the door and I felt my drunk, emotional sleepiness creep in.

When I woke up, it was 4:50am according to the alarm clock on Chris' nightstand. Damn I didn't mean to sleep this long. My head was throbbing but otherwise I was in decent shape to drive home. I could hear the party still roaring in the front of the house. I walked out of Chris' room through a den that has an exterior door. I snuck out and walked around the front of the house. Where the hell did all these cars come from? I looked in through the living room window and saw naked girls everywhere. Yep, time for me to go. I yawned as I got into my truck. I had a ton of missed calls and texts from her. Suddenly, I felt sick on my stomach. I was such an ass. I should have been a little bit more sincere to her feelings last night. I reminded myself of my old immature self. I could tell by her text messages that she was worried. Until I read the last one...

"A stripper huh? Wow, you went real low this time, REAL low."

What the hell was she talking about, a stripper? There may have been strippers in that house now, but they weren't when I got here and I had nothing to do with any of them. How the hell would she know? I looked around in the darkness. Someone must have told her something. I'd find out who it was and kick their ass.

I texted her back.

"Wht R U talking about? I'm not w neone!"

I cranked my truck up, and pulled off. I'd wait til later today but I would find out where she got this false information. Someone must be running their mouth. Haters. I'll hurt someone over that. I can't have her thinking I'm like that anymore. I only have eyes for her.

The more I drove the more I worried. I texted her again.

"Im sorry M. Pls call me if u r up."

Still not good enough. I tried to call her. Voicemail. She must be asleep. I'll keep calling until she wakes up. I called her 3 more times. Nothing. Either she is knocked the f*ck out or she is ignoring me. So I decided to text her again. I feel like I'm turning into a stalker, but I don't care, she needs to know the truth.

"Not sure what u heard but I dnt undrstnd that msg about the stripper? Pls call me."

Oh. Then I texted her again...

"I love U Morgan."

She needed to know that too. Once I got home I climbed in bed trying to forget about everything and get some rest. I'd deal with everything else later. I was too exhausted to think anymore.

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