The Beauty and The Bad Boy Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Here I am, lying in bed, it is 3:21am and I cannot sleep. I called Trey 3 times and texted him twice before I went to bed and he wouldn't respond. I hate how he walked out of here this afternoon. I think I was wrong. I was afraid this would happen, now look. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I can't handle it. I needed to talk to him, to apologize to him. He didn't deserve for me to be that way towards him. I was acting like a selfish bitch. That's not like me.

I lie there for a few more minutes and decide to get up and go to his house. Neither of us had school tomorrow so I could care less about sleep right now, this is my relationship. I had on a tank top and my blue cheer shorts; I grabbed my flip-flops and took off. I explained to mom some of what happened earlier. I doubt she'd realize I was gone but I had my phone incase she called. I raced across town to Trey's house. When I pulled up his truck wasn't there. Where the hell was he? I called his phone again, straight to voicemail. Well... that sucks. Names were running through my mind, people he hung around with at school, people we'd hung around with together. No one really popped out. I decided to ride around for a few minutes; you can't miss that jacked up Tahoe of his.

I rode about 2 miles out of town and decided to work my way in. It didn't take very long, Lakeview Lane, there his truck sat, along with about 12 or 13 other vehicles. It was definitely a party. He didn't seem to be too upset if he was at a party. I knew it was stalkish of me to go in, but I had to talk to him. I parked my car and headed towards the house. I didn't recognize any of the cars and the address didn't ring a bell. Weird. I knocked on the front door, a full-length glass storm door. The interior wooden door swung open and a guy who had to be in his early 30's opened up. Obviously drunk, he muttered "Well HELL-O gorgeous! What can I do for YOU?" The idiotic smile on his face made me want to smack him.

"Hey, is, um, Trey Mays here? He's my boyfriend, I really need to talk to him." Yep, I'm officially a stalker.

"Trey? Yeah, he left about an hour ago with Danielle, a dancer from the club down the road..." A what? Dancer? As in stripper? What the F*CK Trey!! "Really? Are you sure? Tall guy, dark hair..."

"Yeah, that's his black truck right there..." he trailed off mumbling to himself. I looked past him into the house and realized there were a slew of girls inside. Wow. I guess I don't know Trey as well as I thought I did.

"Ok, thanks for your time" I said as I walked quickly back to my car.

"HEY, you can come in if you want hottie!" the jerk yelled out. Please. I had enough man problems.

What was I gonna do now? I texted him. "A stripper huh? Wow, you went real low this time, REAL low."

Bastard. I felt the tears stinging my eyes and I pulled off. I didn't know where I was going, but I was going somewhere.

After driving for about 25 minutes, I ended up at the river. A lot of people come up here to hang out. There aren't any cops, so you can drink underage without getting caught, most of the time. It was a sandy beach area; everyone kept it clean so they wouldn't block it off. We came here a lot to party and hang out; it was a nice, relaxing spot. Of course there was no school tomorrow so everyone was here. I walked down the bank and immediately noticed Joe. I had missed him. "Hey babe! What are you doing here?" he said, smiling wide as the ocean. "Hey Joe, not much, couldn't sleep."

"Where's Trey?"

"Dunno, don't care."

"Uh oh, trouble in paradise? Want a beer?"


He opened my beer for me and I took a big swig. I needed to relax and forget about Trey tonight. He had obviously forgotten about me. A dancer. What the hell? I just can't believe it.

I talked it up with a few other kids from school, and a group of kids older than me that I haven't seen much of lately. I was actually having a decent time. After a few beers, Joe had me lay back on a lounge chair, I actually felt really good. I had a nice buzz going, talking to a few of my old friends helped me get my mind off Trey for a little while. It had to be almost sunrise by now. I still wasn't very tired. I didn't want the night to end. I'd have to go back to reality and back to the thought of Trey cheating on me, with a stripper. How f*cking disgusting. Ugh. Just as that thought crossed my mind, Joe reappeared with another beer. "Nah Joe, I think I'm good." "K, thought I'd offer", he smiled. He had a beautiful smile. He was taller than me, of course, maybe about 6ft. He had olive skin with dark brown hair. His eyes were a striking blue. Those eyes, against his skin and hair, stuck out, they were beautiful. His teeth were brilliant white and when he smiled, he seemed to light up. He had a mustache, carefully groomed, and a bit of a full beard, again well groomed. He was very handsome. I always knew it, but I never really felt like that for him. But tonight, he was looking damn good.

"Hey Morgan, you gonna be able to drive home?" he asked. "I should be ok, I think," knowing I had a good 20-minute drive home. "Let me drive you" he said. I thought about it. I mean, I probably could make it home, but should I risk it? I could tell Mom what happened, that I got upset and went to hang out with Joe. Nah, I'd be ok. I got up, thinking I should go ahead and get a move on, and when I did, I fell back into the chair. "Whoa baby, you don't look like you are in any shape to drive, let me take you please."

"I can't let my mom see me like this Joe, she'll be mad!" Which was true. She would. For some reason that struck me funny and I got the giggles. Joe helped me up the bank to his truck. He took my keys out of my hand and locked my doors then placed them in his glove compartment. "What are you doing Joe?" I asked. "You're going to my house to sleep this off babe, you are too messed up to go home." Yeah, I think so too, but I didn't want to go to his house. I guess I didn't have a choice. I texted my mom:

'went to d's late drank n stayn here 4 while'

That made no sense, but she would get it.

I laid my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I still felt ok; I wasn't out of my mind drunk, just buzzed. I looked over at Joe; damn this alcohol has me feeling him tonight. What is my deal? Ugh. Stop it Morgan, right now. He had a slight smile on his face like he was reading my mind. He lived with his older sister, his parents were slackers and he moved in with her when she moved out of their house at 16. She was 24 now and had everything in the world going for her. I loved her to death. She was a good girl.

When we got to Joe's, he insisted on helping me out of the truck. Once inside, we drunk-whispered our way through the house, trying not to giggle too loud. Joe took me to his room and sat me on the bed. "You can sleep up here Morgan, I'll sleep in the floor." "Noooooooo Joe, hold me, stay in the bed and hold me, please?" I begged. I don't know why, but I wanted to cuddle, with anyone. But Joe would do. He looked at me like I was an absolute nut. I just smiled. "Morgan, I can't, you'll be fine, I'll wake you up in a little bit so you can get home, get some sleep." He made his bed in the floor. What was wrong with me? I was losing it. Here I am hurting deep down over Trey and I try to lure Joe in? I was not being myself and it bothered me. I'd apologize to him tomorrow. I thought about Trey for a long while. I can't believe he left a party with a dancer. Maybe something happened and the story the guy gave me wasn't legit. I wonder if Trey had texted me back? Come to think of it, where the hell is my phone? I got up and flipped the light switch on. I looked everywhere in Joe's room and didn't see it. He woke up in the floor shielding his eyes from the light. "What wrong babe?" he asked. "I can't find my phone Joe!" I was panicking. Last time I saw it was in the truck on the way here. "Where are your keys?" I asked quickly. "My phone has to be in your truck."

Joe got up and went out to his truck, when he came back in, he handed it to me with a smirk on his face. Sure enough, I had 4 new text messages from Trey and several missed calls. I wasn't sure I wanted to see what they said. I wasn't sure I could handle it. With my palms sweaty and my hands shaking, I touched my screen and hit the "messages" icon. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst.

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