Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Cheerleading practice was a total drag today. It was raining and we practiced in the gym, and it was horrible. I had gotten so used to Trey driving me to and from school that I felt lost today. He had a job interview after school so I had planned to meet him at his place later. All in all, this day sucked. Seriously. I ran through the rain to my car and quickly shut the door and took a deep breath. Ugh. I'd go home and shower and by then Trey should be home, I couldn't wait to see him. He did at least come give me a quick kiss on his way this afternoon, which helped some. I sat in my car thinking for a few minutes. I think I was falling in love with Trey, but I couldn't tell him, I wasn't sure how, but I knew that he needed to know. I still needed to wait. It was just too early. I was determined not to scare him off. I didn't want him to think I was desperate either. Man, people at this school would freak if they knew I was sitting in my car arguing with myself about telling a guy I was in love with him. What is the world coming to?

I cranked my car up and turned my Gucci up a little and tried to forget about the day. I'd see Trey soon enough and it would all get better. As I arrived at my house, I ran inside and took my sweat soaked clothes off. Mom was on the phone with my Dad so I spoke to him for a minute, he still hadn't made it home. He planned on being here by this weekend; I wanted him to meet Trey. I jumped in the shower and the butterflies started as I thought about seeing him. He makes me tingle all over. I really hoped my feelings were mutual. I still felt like I should wait though. Hell I don't know what to do. To say or not to say, that is the question.

I could hear my phone ringing in a distance and knew it was Trey. I jumped out of the shower barely drying off and ran into my room. I called him right back. "Hey gorgeous" he said in his sexy deep voice. "Hey boo," I giggled back. "How did your interview go?" "Actually it was really good, I think I might have it!" he said. I squealed with excitement. Trey had applied for a Youth Advisory at the YMCA. He would be working as acting coach for the YMCA's softball league until their coach's ACL injury healed. He loved kids and sports so I knew this would be something he'd be extremely excited about. He wasn't sure how long it would last but hoped it would open up more doors for him. I was proud of him. We had a short conversation and he told me to hurry so he could touch me. He makes me blush but I love his aggressive nature, he was something else. I rushed to get dressed running some gel through my hair letting it curl naturally and blotting a little make up on. I opened my closet door and grabbed a pink sundress. It was short but fit loose and was comfortable. I slipped my flip-flops on and kiss mom bye as I ran back through the rain again. I can't believe the rain we are getting this time of year. I didn't give a damn if it was snowing, I couldn't wait to see my boo.


I saw Morgan pull into the driveway and I darted out the door to meet her. I had never been so excited to see a female in my life. Except Olivia from time to time but not like this. She just did something to me. Mom was at a PTO meeting at Olivia's school so I knew they wouldn't be home for a while, I decided to tell Morgan how I felt.

I pulled her into my lap on the sofa and kissed her soft, beautiful mouth. She was so fine; I had to have my hands on her constantly. "Babe, I need to tell you some things, I just want you to listen though, k?" I asked her. She had a concerned look on her face as she said "ok". "Look, back home, I was a real player, a dog, I would lure girls in with charm and whatever else, and as soon as I had them to the point that they really liked me, I would just take advantage of them. I'd use them for sex, attention, whatever, but I didn't want to give anything in return. When I was done with them, I'd kick them to the curb and be done, I just enjoyed using them and when I was done, I felt like they were disposable. The reason I am telling you this is because it isn't like that at all with you." The look of disgust on her face was enough to tell me what she was thinking, but she still hadn't said anything.

"My point of telling you this is, well, Morgan, I think I'm falling in love with you." I saw a flicker of sincerity in her eyes and knew immediately she felt the same way. She seemed momentarily confused but then said "Trey, I have a lot of questions now, I thought you were someone else, but I do think I'm falling in love with you too, just please, please don't hurt me." I thought she was about to cry. I grabbed her and pulled her into me and kissed her head. "Morgan, I would never hurt you, I've never felt this way about someone, and I'm more worried about you hurting me honestly." She leaned back and looked at me like I was insane. "What?" "Are you serious Trey? Like I would ever hurt you, why would you say that?" "I mean, I've just heard that you really don't date guys at school and stuff and it makes me wonder if I'll be good enough for you long term. I don't want to get hurt either." It felt good to be honest with her. "You're crazy Trey, I love you." I was so happy to hear those words but I was also shocked. "But I do have questions", she said. I knew that was coming.

"So how many girls have you actually been with?" Question one. "Well, I haven't counted, but I have been with right many, maybe 20 or so?" I said. Truly unsure. "When did you start having sex?" Questions two. "Umm, when I was 14". "Have you ever had a real relationship?" Number three. "Not really. I brought one girl home to meet Mom, we didn't work out, she was, well, psycho."

"I'm just shocked Trey, I didn't expect that you were a man-whore in your previous life before me." I could understand where she was coming from but I really was trying to be honest with her. "Look Morgan, I'm being honest with you because I want you to know everything about me, not so you can make me feel bad about it. It was before you, and I've never cared about someone like this, so can we get past it or not?" I hated to lay it out there like that but I felt like that is the only option I had. "Yes, Trey. Yes, we can move on from it, I'm sorry". She leaned in and kissed me and that's all it took, I was back on the harassment again. I couldn't keep my hands off of her. The itty-bitty dress she had on didn't help at all. I slid my hands up her dress and rubbed her legs, she was always so soft. I imagined lying beside her in bed at night rubbing those legs; I'd be the happiest man alive.


What a night. I was excited that Trey and I finally put out there how much we cared about each other, but it sucks that I had to find out he used to be a whore. Hopefully he was over that stage, but how stupid did I look to people from his past. Ugh. Whatever, I'd have to get passed it. Lying on his bed, in his arms right now made me feel so good I didn't care about anything else, but I knew I would think about it again later. "So, how long are you gonna play hard to get?" I asked him teasingly. "Um, a while" he giggled back. He pulled me on top of him and kissed me. He literally takes my breath away. "Trey, I'm ready, I'm just waiting on you". "I know Morgan, but I'm proving to you that you aren't like the rest of them." That's sweet. At least he has a bit of respect, but he's killing me. I guess if it's something he really wants then I'll stop pushing him. For now. But I hope he isn't planning on making me wait too long, I want him so bad I can hardly stand him to touch me, I've never felt this way before but I love it. I never want it to end.

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