Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Could this day possibly be any longer? Would 3:15 ever get here? I sat at my desk staring at the clock, patiently waiting for that last bell of the day to ring. I could not wait to escape the restraints of this hellatious prison. Just as I thought I'd die of boredom, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Yes?" I whispered. "Um, Morgan, would you like to uh, maybe, ya know, um, grab something to eat sometime?" J.C. asked in a wimpy whisper. "J.C., are you asking me on a date?" I giggled. "N-no, not at all, just to hang out as f-friends, maybe" he replied as his cheeks blushed a deep red. "Sure J.C., let's wait until homecoming is over, I have practice almost everyday, but yes," I whispered back to him. It seemed to have made his day. He turned 3 different shades of red and beamed the biggest smile you've ever seen.

J.C. was cute. Not hot, but cute. He had long shabby blonde hair and very beautiful green eyes. I'm thinking we've been in each other's classes since Kindergarten. He was very nice but extremely shy. How could I say no? I smiled at how going to dinner with him would probably make his whole year. I finally heard the echoing sound of the final bell of the day and dashed out of my Geology class with the other kids. I was so glad to be released. I headed to the locker room to change into my practice clothes. With homecoming four days away, our cheerleading coach had us practicing two hours a day everyday. I couldn't complain, as captain of the squad I adored cheering. I loved the social interaction and the physical competition of the sport. I could do without all the popularity and social contests though.

As I sailed through practice thinking about this weekend, I felt myself getting excited. My older brother Lane was coming home from college with his new girlfriend, I couldn't wait to see him. We were so close. I missed him being off in school. It was his last year and he was moving back to our town. We had often discussed me moving in with him but now that he has a new chick, we'll see how that plays out. Lane loved me for who I was, his little sister, nothing else.

All my life people loved me because of my looks. I had started modeling when I was just a baby, being the face of Gerber, in different magazines numerous times, and in several children's clothing commercials, I grew up thinking that looks were everything. Now that I am in high school, I realize that isn't the case at all. Everyone is different. If God made us all the same what fun would the world be? I do appreciate my beauty, but I think people totally overrate it. I always had boys chasing after me, for what reason I'll never know, but I don't like that type of attention. I want guys to want me for my brains and personality, not beauty. Now that I'm a senior in high school, most of the guys are intimidated to approach me. It's so weird. I'm a normal person just like everyone else.

It was hard to find a boyfriend, most less keep one. I wasn't sure what they were after, so eventually I would lose interest in them and rumors would spread that I was a "player". Not hardly. I was 17, almost 18, and still a complete virgin. I had only had a handful of boyfriends, none of whom lasted very long, but still, I was the talk of the school. I supposively used and abused them, and the girls loved me for that. But what they didn't realize is that information is completely false. No one really knew me for the real me, except for Lane. Not even my parents. My best friend Demarra knew me pretty good as well. Now Demarra was beautiful. Her family is Greek and she picked up the dark hair and green eyes from that heritage. She was gorgeous. And she knew it. But she wasn't nasty like some girls are. She's been my best friend since we were 4 years old. She means the world to me; I have no idea what I would do without her.

After getting home from practice I jumped in the shower and let the warm water melt the soreness away in my muscles. It felt so relaxing. I was in heaven until I heard a "tap, tap, tap" on the bathroom door. "Yeeeess?" I yelled. "Hon, I'm going to my Women's Club meeting, be back around 10 or so, love you!" my mom yelled back. "You too mom" I said in my sweetest tone. My mom tried so hard. My father worked out of town a lot with his investment firm, traveling hosting seminars and such to gain more clientele. He was pretty much non-existent in our lives. When he was home, he was always busy with something, so we rarely saw him. Which was fine, my mom was the backbone.

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