The Beauty and The Bad Boy Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I was lying in bed thinking about the night before when my phone rang.

Morgan was calling to tell me that she was about to get in the shower. She was taking me to meet some of her friends at the river spot they like to hang out at. It'd be nice to get in the water and relax; it was about too damn hot to do anything else. I got up and got in the shower, still in shock. I guess I never thought I'd fall in love with someone so deep. Here I was, the biggest player in Phoenix, screwing every chick that glanced my way. I was so hardcore and never let anyone break through that barrier. I guess it just surprised me. I knew Morgan was different from the first time I met her, but I didn't think it would ever come to this.

I still wish we would have waited to have sex, but it was intense. I just wanted Morgan to know that I was really serious about her. I think she knew, but still, it just felt right to wait. She seemed extremely satisfied and happy about it; I guess that's what matters. I felt so bad because she left my house so embarrassed. She didn't really bleed much at first, but when it hit, it ruined my sheets. I felt bad for that too but that is to be expected. It was still a great night. She was by far the best I'd ever had. Mostly because of the intense feelings I have for her. I could be with her forever feeling this way.

I jumped out of the shower and threw on some board shorts and flip-flops. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her again. I know if things keep going the way they are, it wouldn't be long and we were going to be living together, I hated being away from her.

Morgan's POV

I knew it was going to be hot as hell today so I put my hair up after I got out of the shower and started digging through my drawers for a bikini. I had so many; I wanted to make sure the one I wore today was super sexy, for Trey of course.

I had a cute yellow bikini with white polka dots on it, it was Brazilian cut, it accentuated my booty, and covered my boobs well enough, but the polka dots made it look almost innocent, yep, that's me. I pulled on my white Soffe shorts and white flip-flops and headed downstairs. I made a few sandwiches and some fruit to take with us. I couldn't wait to see Trey; I couldn't sleep last night thinking about him. I left his house in a rush and very embarrassed. Seems like my body had a delayed reaction to my "cherry" being popped. Ugh. It sucks to be a female sometimes. It had stopped by morning, so it wasn't too bad, but I was still embarrassed.

I couldn't wait for Trey to meet some of my older friends that I had known for years. I feel like lately we've been secluded ourselves from our friends, and we shouldn't do that. Today was a beautiful Sunday, spending it in the water with some cool friends seemed perfect... or so I thought.

When Trey picked me up we were immediately all over each other, as usual. I couldn't resist. He was something else. We arrived at the river spot to find a ton of people, mostly whom I knew. I started introducing Trey; he immediately hit it off with some of the older guys. He was wise beyond his years and seemed so mature and grown compared to some of the wimps we went to school with.

I got together with some of my girlfriends and gossiped, answered their questions about our relationship status, and caught up on the latest fashion trends. I really wanted to go to school for fashion but I was afraid to admit it. Some people thought it was a far-fetched dream and it could never be an actual job. I thought differently.

After about two hours of lounging, someone decided to take some inter-tubes down the river. I always had a blast going but there were about twenty of us and only twelve tubes. Trey had never been so I pushed him to go and I'd stay back with the girls. He seemed like he hated to leave me there but I knew he'd have a blast. He had been gone about ten minutes when Joe arrived.


I had a damn blast on the inter-tube ride down the river. A guy named John was waiting for us at the end point to drive us back up river to where the girls were. I had been gone about an hour or so I guessed, and after a few beers on the tubing trip, I was pretty well buzzed, feeling good. When we pulled back into the cove, I noticed a few more people there, a few more guys, and they seemed to be swarmed around Morgan.

I jumped off the back of John's truck and walked straight over to my girl. She stood up and kissed me as soon as she saw me. I missed her, just in that short amount of time. I looked at a few of the d*ckheads around her and noticed a few from school. Joe was one of them; I didn't like him for some reason. He seemed to give me that jealous glare. Morgan thinks of him as a best friend, but I see more, he wants more. I'll kill that son of a b*tch if he so much as looks at her wrong.

"Glad to see you guys are better," he said, glaring at me. "Yeah, we're perfect, not that it's any of your business," I said back with a cocky attitude.

"It was my business when she came crying to me about it". What? Morgan had told him about our fight? Why the hell would she do that?

"Morgan, you went crying to him, what's that all about?" I noticed the look on her face that said she had messed up. "I-I... I kinda came down here after I was told all that sh*t from that guy about the dancer. I drank a bit much and Joe took me home, that's it."

I thought for a minute. That's it huh? Why the hell is he acting like a super hero then? I gave him the "F*ck off" look and walked away. Morgan knew I was pissed. I'd talk to her later. I walked over to where Martin and Bennett were; two of the older guys Morgan introduced me too. I liked both of them pretty well; they seemed to be on my level.

"Hey man, what's up with that dude Joe, seems like he's sweating my girl?" I asked them.

"Oh yeah," Martin said. "He's been after her for years, but he is 'just a friend'," he quoted in the air.

"He wishes," Bennett said. "Morgan is way too good for him man, you have nothing to worry about, she knows it too." She better know it, if she knows what's good for ol' Joe, he can get his ass beat if he don't watch it.


As we got in the truck, I knew more would be mentioned about Joe. I could see the look on Trey's face. After the confrontation I distanced myself from him hoping Trey would see. Joe was like a leach sometimes though. While I appreciate what he did for me, I realized I almost messed up and I'm so glad I didn't.

"What the f*cks up with your boy Joe?" Trey asked.

"He's a good friend Trey, I promise you have nothing to worry about."

"I already know that Morgan, I don't like the way he looks at you, he needs to back up or I'll get him, make sure he knows that, or I will."

I knew he was serious. I didn't say anything else and the trip back to my house was a quiet one. Mom made pork chops for dinner but Trey said he was going home to get some rest before school tomorrow. He kissed me bye and said he'd call me later. I could still sense the tension.

I told my mom about it at dinner and she agreed Joe had always made it obvious he wanted me, and maybe I should warn him. So I called him...

"I don't give a f*ck what he said Morgan, you and I were friends before he ever came along, he can't get some if he wants it, but I won't stay away from you." Joe sweared.

Well that went great, I thought to myself as I hung up the phone. He would stay away, I knew he would, he was more talk than anything. I hoped.

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