The Beauty and The Bad Boy Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Two weeks had past since my mom had filed for divorce. My father came and got his things while I was at school, mom was at work. She is now working for their lawyer, how ironic. I can't help but crack up every time I think about it. He never told us when he was coming and didn't make the first effort to see me so to hell with him. I'm over the hurt and pain he's caused. I'm just thinking about mom, Lane, and myself. And of course Trey. Who was so unconditionally supportive of me.

Lane was home for three days while the information about my dad popped off but he was back to ensure he didn't miss anything in his last months of school. We still hadn't come together about Trey. We had more important things to think about at the time, but it was coming. I had to talk to him about it. I was thinking about calling him but face-to-face would be better. We were out of school Thursday and Friday of this week and I thought about making the hour ½ drive to see him. Maybe spend the day with him and catch up. I didn't like fighting with him and I know he only had my best interest at heart. Trey got the job at the YMCA so I knew he would probably have to work. He only worked 3 days a week from 3:30-8:00. It was cool though because I could use the gym and still be able to see him while he was at work.

Since it was Tuesday I figured I needed to decide whether I was going to see Lane or not. Better now than never. I texted him to see if he was busy, when he replied that he was working on a paper, I called him. "Hey sis" he answered. "Hey... so. I was thinking, are you busy Thursday?" "I have class until 11:30 that morning but otherwise I'm straight, what's up?" he asked. "Well, I wanted to talk to you, can I come up?" "Hell yeah Morgan! I'd love to see you!" he exclaimed. We chatted a little longer and agreed I'd be there by lunchtime. I just wanted to explain to him the relationship I have with Trey, it isn't like that at all.

I ran by the grocery store and picked up some things for mom since she was working late and Trey met me at our house. He had been coming over on a daily basis to help my mom out with some things around the house; he really did have a big heart. I loved him so much. We'd had the "I think I'm in love with you talk" but we still didn't say it. Not a lot. I think we both knew we were rushing into things but it just felt so right. Trey's mom Paige had also been over a lot comforting my mom, turns out they are a lot more alike than either of us thought and are quickly becoming best friends.

Trey and I started dinner on the grill. Chicken, Asparagus, Corn on the Cob, and rolls. I tried to do as much as I could to help Mom out since she was still struggling, but everyday I see improvement. I hate to see her hurt. She wanted Lane and I to talk too so I felt like the trip would be perfect Thursday. "Babe, I think I'm gonna go see Lane on Thursday" I said to Trey. "Really? Alone?" he asked. "Well yeah, I don't think he'd appreciate you coming since you are kinda the subject at hand right now" I giggled. He gave me a glare and then laughed. "Yeah, you're right, just please be careful Morgan." "Absolutely" I said back as he planted an enormous kiss on my lips. I was falling more and more for him and I think he was too; we just made each other happy. I loved it. He would be playing basketball this season as well, so that games would allow us even more time together, which was perfect.

After Mom got home we ate dinner and went for a walk. I told Trey that I was thinking about getting a puppy. I wanted a little housedog that I could spoil, take places with me, and treat like a baby. I'd wanted one for a while but Dad was allergic, now that he is outta the picture it's a perfect time. "What kind of dog boo?" Trey asked. "I dunno, I really like a bichon frise, they are so cute and small. A white one, named Dixie. Teehee", I laughed at the thought of it, "she'd be rotten". "You got that right," he laughed. As the sun started setting I knew I'd better get my homework done. We said our goodbyes and, as I do every night, I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart, I hated being away from Trey. We talked before bed but I couldn't get enough of him.


I lay in bed thinking about what Morgan said about a puppy. I would love to buy her a puppy, wonder what her mom thinks? I planned to ask next time I saw Helena. Morgan would be 18 in 3 weeks and that would be the perfect present. I'm not so sure how I feel about her traveling to UA alone, but that's her brother, and I want things to be right between them. I feel like I'm the cause of the problem so I am definitely not trying to come between them. I just can't figure out what it is about me that he doesn't like. I had to prove to him I was different than what he thought. For sure. I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier and I felt that comfortable feeling come over me. I was so tired, thinking so much, my brain needed some relaxation. Some sleep.

I woke up at about 2am to Olivia crying. I ran up the stairs to her room and practically ran over my mom. We both barged into her room. She had tears streaming quickly down her pretty little face. "What's wrong Livi?" Mom asked. "I had a dream mommy, that someone was trying to get me! It looked like a monster!" she screeched. I hated to see her upset. "You wanna sleep in my bed O? You know those monsters are scared of me!" I said trying to make her laugh. "I'll sleep in my recliner?" I asked. "Okaayyyy" she answered, like she was doing me a favor. I carried her downstairs and tucked her in. Once I got cozy in the recliner with a blanket, Olivia asked me something that hit me, hard. "Bubba?" "Yes ma'am?" I answered. "Is Morgan always going to be in our life?" What? She is only 6. "I don't know Olivia, why?" "I just want her to, I love her Bubba". My cold heart melted to hear her say that. "Well I think she loves you too Olivia, now, let's get some sleep so we can see her tomorrow." Morgan would be tickled to hear that, she thinks the world of Olivia.

I felt clammy hands on my face as I tried to pry my eyelids open. "Get up Treyyyyy" Olivia sang out. I stretched in the recliner and glanced at the clock. "Oh shit!" I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I only had 10 minutes to get ready. I texted Morgan and told her I'd be late. She texted me back and said she would drive today. I ran around trying to get myself ready for school. By the time I reached the top of the stairs, Morgan was coming inside. "Perfect timing," I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "I tend to have that," she giggled.

The school day was the same ol same. I still caught myself worrying about Morgan going to Tucson tomorrow. I just had a bad feeling. I would be sure to keep in touch with her all day.

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