Chapter 11

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~1 Year Later~

I laughed as I walked down the hall with my best friend, Lane. "You've got to be kidding me, you said that to him?" I asked through my laughter and he continued laughing as he snorted from laughing too hard. "Fuck yea I did. You should've seen his face!" He said as he calmed down a bit. "Damn, I wish I would've." I said as my laughter died down too." He put his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the school building and I rolled my eyes at him as he grinned. "Can't have my bestie getting sunburnt!" He joked and I pushed him away as I laughed. "You dick." I said with a smile and he chuckled. "Not my fault you're a pasty ass British goth chick." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at his stupidness. "We hanging out today or no?" He asked and I shrugged. "If you wanna come over then be my guest. You know I never have plans." I said and he rolled his eyes this time. "Yea, I know." He said and I fake gasped, making him laugh. "Come on, twerp. I'll race you." He said. I took off running behind him but him being taller and having longer legs, he beat me there by a long shot. When I got to my car, he was sat against the hood with a smirk. "Took you long enough." He joked and I rolled my eyes as I took out my keys. I tossed them to him and he smiled as he took them and we got in the car. "To the Sola house!" He said as he started the car and I smiled at his stupidness.


As we walked in the house, I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a Monster and got Lane a Snapple and tossed it to him. "Is your dad going to be back by graduation?" He asked and I shrugged. "I haven't asked him. He's been pretty busy." I said and he looked down. "Hayden, I know you miss him but you can't just stop talking to him when he's away." He said and I shrugged again. "It's whatever. I know this past year has been crazy with me being thrown on him, the band getting more and more popular, Josh leaving the band. I don't want to bother him." I admitted and lane sighed as he walked over and hugged me. I hugged him back as I held back my tears. "Talking to him isn't going to bother him. He may be busy and a lot may be going on but he's still your dad. Did you even tell him graduation was tomorrow?" He said and I shook my head. "Hayden." He said and I pulled away. "It's fine, I'm fine." I said as I wiped my eyes and went up to my room.

Lane's POV

I sighed as Hayden walked up the stairs. I knew she had been a little upset about not getting to go with her dad this tour but I didn't know it was this bad. She didn't even tell him graduation was coming up. I know she's not expecting him to show us since she didn't say anything but I can't let her do this. I have to tell him. I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Hayden, I'm just going to go home, ok?" I asked and she mumbled an 'ok.' Through the door. I went back downstairs and walked outside, closing the door behind me. I started walking towards my house and pulled my phone out, finding Devin's number. I tapped on his name and put the phone to my ear as it rang. It rang all the way through with no answer and I sighed, hanging up and calling again. This time, he answered on the 4th ring. "Hey, Lane. What's up?" He asked and I sighed a breath of relief. "Thank god you picked up. It's about Hayden." I said. "Is she ok? Did something happen?" He asked and I chuckled. "No, sir. But she told me she didn't tell you about graduation tomorrow." I said and he was silent for a few seconds. "That's tomorrow?" He asked and I sighed. "Yeah." He shuffled on the other end for a little bit before answering. "Why didn't she tell me?" He asked and I smiled sadly to myself. "She said you've been really busy and she didn't want to bother you." I said and he sighed. "What time is graduation?" He asked and I smiled. "3pm." I said. "The guys and I will be there. We were going to spend a couple of days in New York since tour ended last night but we will head back early tomorrow morning and we should be there by 3:30 at the latest." He said and I smiled. "Thank you, Devin. You have no idea how happy she will be to see you there. Don't tell her you're coming or know about it though, please. I want her to be surprised." I told him and he chuckled. "Of corse. Thank you for being such a good friend to her, Lane." I smiled to myself. "Anything for Hayden." I said and blushed slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said and I smiled more. "See you tomorrow, sir." I said before he hung up. I continued my way home, smiling the whole way. I'm so happy he is going to be there. I hate seeing Hayden sad when he dad is gone. She hides it well but I know her. I know how she is. We have been best friends ever since she started at East Bay High almost a year ago. We are completely opposite visual wise but inside, we are perfectly matched as friends. It's weird, but so are we. Hayden is like family to me in a way. We may not look the same, but inside, she's the sister I never had.

Ok guys so yes I skipped some time and for the first time in this story I put another POV. Next chapter will be back to Hayden's POV and probably will stay her POV for awhile! Thanks for reading and be sure to vote, comment, and share! 💕 love you guys! Ps: pic is Lane 👀

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