Chapter 31

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I'm back guys! My friends helped me to get my mind off of things yesterday :) so I decided to try writing today! It took me like all day but I managed to get this much done! I hope you enjoy and thank you all for the kind words and support the past couple days! I love you guys!! 🖤✨ ~Riley

"Hey girly!" I said as I approached Dee. She turned and grinned before pulling me into a slight hug. "Hey, you're early." She said and I smirked. "Says the one who was standing around waiting." I pointed out, watching as her face turned a light shade of pink. "Shut up." She mumbled, making me giggle. "Well, what do you want to do today?" I asked and she shrugged. "I have no idea honestly." I smiled at her and nodded. "Well, what do you say to going to my dad's? My boyfriend and all their friends are there, we could all hang out and watch a movie or something." I suggested and she nodded, looking slightly nervous. "Uh, yea, sure.. should fun." She said uncertainly and I smiled assuringly. "Don't worry, they're cool." I told her, he nodding a little."If you say so, Hayden." I grinned at her and wrapped my arm with hers as we headed to the parking lot. "Do you wan to ride with me or just follow?" I asked and she shrugged. "Whichever is fine. Am I still staying the night?" She asked and I nodded with a small smile, remembering I asked her if she'd like to come over a few nights ago. It's been about 2 weeks since I met Dee at the hair salon. She's quickly become my best friend these past couple weeks since we have hung out every few times she has a day off work. She has yet to meet Chris and I would love for my best friend and him to meet. "Of corse!" I said and she smiled shyly. "I'll just follow you there since my things are in my car." She said and I nodded as we reached the parking lot and she headed to her car. I waited in mine until I saw her and pulled out, her following behind me.

*skipping the drive cuz ew who cares about that shit I mean really 😂*

I pulled into the driveway as Dee parked her car on the curb in front of Vinny's since there was no more room in the driveway. I got out and met her at her car, taking her bag from her and showing her into the house. "You'll be sleeping in mine and Chris' room. We both agreed you'd probably feel better sleeping in a bed than in the living room with a bunch of guys." I said and she nodded. "Thank you but you guys don't have to give up your bed for me." She said and I rolled my eyes at her. "Child, please." I said, making her giggle. I led her up to mine and Chris' room before anyone realized I was back and set her bag on our bed. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to go talk to my dad. You're welcome to go anywhere you would like in the house and you're welcome to anything in the kitchen." I said and she nodded again with a small smile. "I'll be just downstairs down the hall." I said and she smiled. I smiled softly at her before I left he room and slipped down the stairs, going to the music room. "Hey, dad!" I chirped and he grinned from his place behind the desk as he jotted down in a notebook, he, Vinny, and Ricky hard at work. "Hey, kiddo. Mind telling us what you think about this?" He asked and I shrugged as Ricky positioned his guitar and started playing a song I had never heard. When he finished, I nodded, a huge smile on my face. "Damn, I love it. New song?" I asked and they all 3 nodded with big smiles. "What's it called?" I asked and they all looked at each other. "We have no idea. All we are doing is the music. Chris said he wanted to do the lyrics with Ryan for this one." Ricky said and I nodded. "Well, it sounds amazing. Keep up the good work." I said and they nodded. "Hey, speaking of Chris, where is---." I didn't get to finish before I heard a high pitched girl scream and slower pitched man scream immediately after, followed by the sound of glass breaking. I took off running down the hall and ran to the kitchen, my dad and the other guys following quickly. I got to the kitchen to see Dee with wide eyes and her mouth gaped open while Chris looked like a scared puppy dog mixed with a deer caught in the headlights, orange juice and glass shattered at his feet. "Oh my god." I laughed as I saw them. Dee was frozen but Chris looked at me like I was insane. "Who is this random chick in my house?" Chris yelled and my dad glares at him. "Excuse me, WHO's house?" He sassed, hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised, his face formed in a sassy but questioning look as he eyes Chris. "What? I live here right now." He said and I rolled my eyes at them. "Dad, shush. Chris, this is my friend Dee I was telling you about. Now, do I get a hello kiss or are you just gonna be a grumpy butt?" I asked and he pouted as he walked over to me, leaning down and kissing me softly. "Well your friend made me drop my orange juice and it was the last of it." He poured more and I giggled at him. "Awe my poor baby, I'll get you some more tomorrow." I said, making his face light up like a kid in a candy shop. "Yay! I love you!" He cheered and I laughed at him before I looked over to where Dee was. She looked more confused than shocked now. "You ok?" I asked and she nodded slowly. "Uh, yea, just... you never mentioned your boyfriend was Chris Motionless.." she mumbled and I smiled. "Yea, I guess I kind of don't see it that way. I just see him as a guy and the man I love." I said and she giggled nervously. "Uh, so you're... you're Devin's daughter?" She asked and I nodded. "Holy fuck.." she said and I had her a questioning look. "I thought you disappeared like years ago!" She said and I nodded. "You look so different!" She said and I bit my lip shyly. "Uh, yea.. I guess I kind of grew up." I said and she nodded quickly. "So, you ended up with Chris? I didn't know he even had a girlfriend." She said and I sighed. "Dee, did you hear about when chris was arrested and locked up for having relations with a minor?" I asked and she thought a moment before she nodded. I gave her an uncomfortable smile and she caught on, gasping. "That was you?" She asked and I nodded. She looked back and forth between Chris and I multiple times before she slowly turned around, glaring at my dad. "You're a dick."

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