Chapter 24

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Hi guys! I'm sorry these last few chapters have been bleh and stuff. I've been job searching and apartment searching with my boyfriend and I've been studying for end of the year testing and all. Things have been pretty insane if I'm being honest.. my depression has been getting kind of yucky again and yea I completely had a break down the other day in a doctor office parking lot and screamed at my boyfriend I wanted to die and shit. So yea I've been in a fucked up mind space.. I'm trying to work on getting better and stuff tho! I just haven't really felt like writing much lately but I'm trying. People like @megahellokitty43 have been helping me to try and write through all of this. Thank you so much for your support in my writing.. 🖤 Now;


I hummed as Chris and I walked hand in hand out of the doctor office with the envelope of the ultra sound. It's been 4 months since we found out I was pregnant and went to a doctor and learned I was 2 months along. I knew neither of us could wait to be parents. Only 3 months until we get to meet our baby. "Chris, can we go get fried pickles?" I asked and he chuckled. "Sure, babe. We have to go meet Oli and Alissa at the store though remember?" He asked and I huffed with a pout. "I don't feel like working today." I said and he chuckled. "Hey, its only 3 hours today." He said, being his optimistic self as usual. I sighed as I held my stomach protectively with my free hand, rubbing it softly as we walked the rest of the way to the car. Chris opened my door and let me in before he closed it after me and got in the driver seat. He leant over to me and kissed my cheek then my nose then my other cheek, ending with my lips, causing me to giggle. He smiled at me before he leant down to my stomach hand kissed it gently, whispering something I couldn't make out, then sat up again. He started the car, pulling off the curb and into traffic with ease, heading towards my favorite food place. After we got our food, he drove me to work. When we got there, Oli and Alissa were talking to a group of teenager girls who were giggling but some were giving Alissa dirty looks as she stood cuddled into Oliver's side. Chris and I walked over hand in hand as I carried my milkshake and he carried the bag with our food. "Oi, Hayden! Chris!" Oli said, sounding a bit overly excited to see us. I giggled at him as Chris shook his head with a slight chuckle. "What's up, Sykes?" He asked and Oli just shrugged with a goofy smile. Alissa gave me a half smile and I frowned, dropping Chris' hand and handing him my milkshake before walking over to her. I took her hand and pulled her away a bit before speaking, not caring if anyone else could hear us. "What's wrong?" I asked and she sighed. "Those girls have been all over Oliver and giggling and touching him and giving me dirty looks. I know people don't really like the idea of me and him because they liked him with Hannah but she broke him. I love him. He loves me. I would never do what she did. I don't like when people give me looks like that. I know we have a large age gap and people judge us for that too and I've dealt with it this long but it's getting to me now. I don't like it. I just want to be with him without everyone hating me for it." She said quietly, her voice cracking and squeaking as she started crying. I didn't think anyone was paying attention or listening but I noticed Oli watching us and kind of looking upset. I sighed softly and pulled Ali into a comforting hug as she cried. "It's ok. I know what you mean. It's like that with me and Chris when Amy of his fans are around. I understand what you're feeling but don't let them get to you. Oli loves you, you said it yourself. Their judgment shouldn't matter. They don't know what happened entirely and they don't get it. You are his and he is yours. That's all that matters." I said and she nodded and she shuffled, wiping more tears from her eyes as a fresh wave of them began. I looked over at Oli and motioned him over with my head. "I think you two need to talk." I said and he nodded, obviously worried about Ali. I hugged her tighter for a moment before I kissed her forehead and gave her a reassuring smile before I let her go and Oli took over, holding her close to his side as he led them into the back room. I went back over to Chris and the group of girls with a scowl on my face.

As I approached, I could hear their attempt to flirt with him, seeing them biting their lips and giggling at any and everything he said. "Hey, babe. Alissa ok?" He asked and I held up my hand, shutting him up as I walked slightly past him and stood in front of the group of girls, my scowl intense. I noticed how most of them shrunk back a bit and it made me proud. "Look here. You girls are too young to be hitting on Chris and Oli. I get you think they're hot but they're twice, if not a little more, than your ages. Oli and Alissa are together and I don't care if you prefer him with Hannah. Keep that to yourselves. They're happy together and they love each other. Hannah fucking broke Oliver. Now she is with the man she cheated on him with. Get over it. Shit happens. Leave Alissa alone. It isn't her fault. She just wants to be able to be with Oli without people like you being rude as fuck to her and their relationship. Grow up." I hissed at them, making some of them jump slightly but none of them said a word. "Now, I suggest you buy something or get out. Myself, Oli, and Alissa have work to do in this store and you're taking up space." I growled slightly and they all left right then, rather quickly. I couldn't stand people like them. I get them being fans but seriously a fan is someone who supports, not terrorizes and tries to get with them. These kids now days need to learn the difference. It aggravated me so much.

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