Chapter 15

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I squealed as I ran into the pet store. "Hayden, your dad would kill you!" Chris called after me before he ran after me. He found me at the back of the store, looking at the puppies. "Babe, they're so cute!" I gushed and he smiled at me. "I agree but your dad's cats don't like dogs. He would kill you if you got one." He said and I sighed. "I'm literally moving out as soon as I can. Do you think if I kept the puppy just in my room he would mind?" I asked and Chris shrugged before he leant down and wrapped his arms around my waist as we looked at the puppies in silence. "Why don't we get a place together?" He asked after a few moments of quiet. I turned in his arms and faced him, examining his expression before his eyes. "You're serious." I said and he nodded. "Well, yea. We've been together for awhile and I mean I share an apartment with Ricky but I've been thinking about getting my own place anyways. I love you and you did just graduate and you are about to be 18 in a few days." He said and I nodded as I smiled. "So, what do you say?" He asked and I grinned. "Can we get a puppy?" I asked and he chuckled. "Of course." He said and I giggled. "Yay!" I said as I jumped up and pecked his lips. He smirked down at me and leant down, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. I kissed him back before we pulled away and I hugged him before I turned back around in his arms and looked at the puppies. "What kind of puppy do you want?" I asked and he chuckled quietly. "It doesn't matter. I just want a big dog." He said and I nodded. "Me too. I don't like small dogs." I said and he smiled. "So you never liked Balz' dogs?" He asked and I rolled my eyes because he knew I didn't mean it like that. We stood in silence as we looked at the puppies before I saw one I liked. "What about that one?" I asked as I pointed at a black husky with blue eyes. I glanced back up at Chris and he grinned at me. "I like it." He said and I giggled. "If that's the one you want, let's go find a worker and get it." He said and I gasped as I bounced in place excitedly. "On second thought, you stay here and I'll get someone." Chris said with a chuckle before he kissed the top of my head and walked off. I walked up to the glass the puppy was behind and it looked dead at me before pouncing at the glass and putting its paws against it as it barked and wagged it's tail. I played with it through the glass for a few minutes before someone opened the door to the cage on the other side and took the puppy away. I pouted as I turned and looked for Chris. I saw him come from a door not long after with a cute little ball of black fur in his arms and a worker following behind him. I squealed as I ran over to him and stole the puppy out of his arms. "Sir, if you two would follow me, we can handle the papers and adoption fee." The woman said and Chris smiled as he nodded. "Go pick her out a harness and leash and collar and whatever else you're going to get her while I go do this." He said and I nodded excitedly before I ran off towards the puppy stuff, hearing him chuckle. I got a buggy and sat the puppy in the seat part as I shopped, putting all of the stuff in the buggy. When I finished, I went up to the counter where Chris was signing papers. "Oh, I'm glad you're over here. I want you to sign the adoption certificate with me." He said and I grinned as I grabbed a pen and signed my name on it. "So we have a fur baby now?" I asked and the woman and Chris both laughed. "You could say that." She said and I grinned. "If you're ready, I can check you out and you can be on your way." The woman said and I nodded. Chris put the stuff on the counter as I picked up the puppy and held her. He paid for the stuff and the adoption before we put her harness and leash on her and he grabbed the bags as I got her papers and we left. "What do you say about me taking the bags and everything to the house and I meet you on the pier?" Chris asked and I grinned. We had been shopping the past few hours but didn't get much till the pet store. "Ok. I'm going to go check out the skate shop then I will meet you there." I said and he smiled before he leant down and kissed me. "See you soon." He said and I nodded before we split ways and I headed to the skate shop I had seen earlier. I went inside and looked around a bit before I picked out a new skateboard for my dad and got one for myself before I left and went to the pier and waited for Chris. After awhile, Chris wasn't there yet. I looked around to see if he was coming but didn't see him anywhere. I took out my phone and called him but got no answer. I started heading back to the house, worried about him. When I got there, he wasn't there, but our shopping bags were. I went a few houses down to the one my dad and Kylie were staying in and knocked on the door. A few moments later, Kylie opened the door. "Hayden, is everything ok?" She asked and I bit my lip. "I don't know." I said and she furrowed her brows before she stepped outside with me and shut the door. "What's wrong?" She asked and I looked down at my new puppy. "Chris came to bring our stuff from shopping back and he was supposed to meet me back at the pier but he never showed so I tried calling him and he didn't answer and so I came back to the house and our bags from today were there but he wasn't. I'm just worried and slightly freaking out." I said quickly and she frowned. "Come in." She said as opened the door before she went in and I followed her. She closed the door behind us and ran over to the kitchen counter, grabbing my dad's phone and calling Chris. She got no answer. "Fuck." She sighed as I looked at the floor, my anxiety skyrocketing. She got my dad and he sat with me, keeping me calm. After about a half hour, my phone rang. I took it out quickly and answered it, relieved to hear Chris' voice. "Hey, where are you?" He asked and I sighed. "I'm at my dad and Kylie's house." I said and he was silent, obviously confused. "You never showed up at the pier and you didn't answer your phone. I was worried and kind of freaking out and my dad has kept me calm so I didn't have a panic attack." I said and he sighed. "I'm sorry. I stopped off to get you a present and some flowers. I just got to the pier and you weren't here. I'm on my way back. Meet me at the house?" He asked and I smiled softly. "Yea. See you soon." I said before I hung up. My dad smiled at me. "See, nothing to worry about." He said and I giggled slightly. "Sorry. I just freak out." I said sheepishly, hiding my face in embarrassment.

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