Chapter 20

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I let Chris into Alissa and I's flat, following him in and closing the door behind us. "So, do you want to get makeup or hair first?" I asked and he shrugged. "Hair it is I guess." I grinned and he chuckled at me. "Fuck I missed you." He said and I blushed. "You're just so fucking cute these past 3 years all I've done is dream of you and your silly self." He said and I rolled my eyes but smiled, feeling his words warm my heart. I took his hand and took him down the hall to the bathroom and opened my large cabinet of hair dye and solution. "So, what color do you want?" I asked and looked over my shoulder at him. He gave me a blank face. I giggled at him. "I was kidding. I know you want jet black." I giggled and he rolled his eyes with a small snicker. I got out one of my mixing bowls and mixed the dye before I draped a towel around his shoulders. I grabbed some of my scissors from the hair kit in the pen of the counter drawers and got to work snipping his hair. I cut it back to its length before he was arrested and thinned it out a little with a razor before I put on some gloves and grabbed the bowl of dye. I spread it through his hair with the wand before I massaged it into his roots with my hands. "Do you want your eyebrows natural or off completely?" I asked and he smiled. "Off. I hate them." He chuckled out and I giggled before turning on the wax machine Alissa and I had and grabbed a flat stick and some little cloth papers and witch hazel. Once it was heated up, I mixed it with the stick to get some and used the stick to coat his eyebrows in it one at a time before putting the papers on them and ripping them off quickly. He hissed slightly and I held in a laugh. "Fuck that hurt. I used to be used to it." He said and I shrugged with a small smile. "You'll get used to it again." I said and he hummed in reply. I plucked little visible hairs from around his eyebrow area quickly before I cleaned the areas with the witch hazel. The skin where his eyebrows has been began to turn red and I felt bad for him, knowing the usual rule of waiting at least 3 days to put makeup on the area. After that, we sat and talked for a bit until his hair was finished and I left him to shower while I went to the kitchen and made us each a sandwich. Luckily, Oli stayed over a lot so he always had bathroom stuff here, meaning Chris could use it for now.

I put the sandwiches on plates and fixed us each something to drink as Chris walked into the kitchen with a towel around his waist. "Here, eat. I'll get some of Oli's spare clothes for you to wear for now. Do you have any clothes with you or anything?" I asked and he shook his head as he sat at the counter in front of his plate. "I have money though so I can go buy some and all." He said and I nodded before I walked off to Alissa's room, rummaging through Oli's half of the closet and his half of the drawers. It took me a little while but I eventually found clothes that would match Chris' style. I took a pair of his socks, not bothering getting any briefs since Chris usually went commando. I took the clothes to my room and found Chris sitting on my bed, waiting. "How did you k ow this what's my room?" I asked and he smiled. "I peaked in a few doors and this one seemed to just fit you." He said and I smiled a little. I handed him the clothes and kissed his cheek. "When you're ready, I'll be in the living room." I said and he nodded. I then left the room and went to the living room to wait. A few minutes later, he came out to the living room fully dressed and ready to go. I stood up and grabbed my keys off the coffee table and grabbed my helmet out the coat closet, as well as my spare, handing it to Chris. I pulled on my leather jacket and he smirked at me. "You bought a bike?" He asked and I nodded. We went downstairs and to the parking lot behind the building. I went over to my bike and pulled the tarp off of it, rolling it up and putting it in the compartment under the seat. I put my helmet on and handed Chris the keys with a smile. He beamed like a child in a candy shop before he put his helmet on and got on the bike, me getting on behind him. He cranked the bike and I wrapped my arms around his torso as I rested my head on his shoulder as he pulled out of the parking lot. I gave him directions to the mall by leaning the way we would be turning. I missed how we used to be in sync with each other. It was the greatest feeling in the world. After awhile, we pulled into the mall parking lot and Chris parked closer to the front. We got off my motorcycle and took our helmets off, stuffing them in the seat. Chris out the keys in his pocket and fixed my hair for me before I made him lean down so I could fix his. After that, we laced our hands together and went inside to start our shopping for him. Luckily, this mall had a few gothy stores with clothing brands he and I both adored. 2 hours later, we walked out of the mall, both of us carrying many bags from many stores. I set all the ones I was carrying down and called a cab. Soon after, it arrived and Chris and I piled the bags into the trunk. I rode in the cab and he took my motorcycle. We met back at the flat and he paid the cab driver for me before we carried all of the bags up to the apartment. I showed him our guest room and he put his bags in it. "Do you know where I can get my piercings redone?" He asked and I nodded. "I can do them. I did Ty's lip and nose rings." I said and he smirked. "You've gotten even more amazing." He said and I shrugged with a shy giggle. "Can you do them now? Or do you not feel like it?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Let me get my kit and all." I said and he grinned at me. I ran to my room and grabbed my piercing kit from my closet, taking it back to the room he would be staying in temporarily. I picked out some rings like he used to eat before and the needles to pierce with. I sterilized them before I cleaned all over his bottom lip and drew the little dots so I knew where the needle needs to go and clamped them all, then pierced them one at a time. When I was finished, I removed the clamps and put the rings in as I removed the needles one by one. Once I finished, I screwed the balls on and cleaned his lip again before smiling wide at him. I handed him a hand held mirror I had with my kit and he grinned at the piercings. "At last we meet again" he said in a creepy voice, making a creepy face to match. I laughed at his cute weirdness and kissed his cheek softly before I went to the bathroom to clean my stuff.

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