Chapter 33

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Guys I just realized how precious Ryan really is like oh my god he's adorable! Just look at how pwesioussss!!!! 😍 ps: I'm super proud I used a big word in the last chapter! Yay me! Only took me till senior year to learn the word simultaneously! I deserve a metal! Right? ~Riley

I yawned as I stretched, looking up at the ceiling before rolling over onto my stomach. I laid still listening to the obnoxious snoring around me for a bit before groaning and forcing myself up. Sleeping on a floor is never fun, nor is it ever comfy. Lucky for Dee, I'm a good friend with a nice boyfriend! I looked around at the 3 sleeping boys in the living room before I went to the kitchen. I stopped at the doorway as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 3? There should be 4, right? I backed up and looked in the living room again, confirming there were only 3 before I went upstairs to try and find Ryan. As I reached the top of the stairs, I was met with Ryan quietly closing mine and Chris' bedroom door, ready for his day. He turned and saw me, jumping slightly. "Holy shit, morning." He said quickly before he rushed past me and down the stairs. I followed behind him quickly as he speed-walked to the kitchen. "Ryan.." I trailed off suspiciously as he hurriedly grabbed things from random places, getting ready to cook, ignoring me while he did so. "I walked closer to him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Ryan Sitkowski what were you doing in the room with Dee?" I asked and he looked up at me nervously. "Nothing." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Specify 'nothing' please?" I asked and watched as his face turned a light shade of pink. We just talked last night and ended up falling asleep." He finally answered, focusing intently on mixing whatever batter he had with eggs. "So you gonna tell me what you two talked about?" I asked and he glanced at me before looking back down to the bowl. "Ryan." I whined and he chuckled a little. "Come on, she's my best friend!" I pleaded but to no avail. He simply shrugged his shoulders. "Then why not ask her?" He asked and I huffed, going up to my room. I barged into the room and jumped on top of Dee as she slept. I screamed when I landed on her and swung her arms wildly, making me twist and turn to dodge them. "Bitch, chill! It's just me!" I yelled over her screaming and she stopped, looking at me finally. "What the fuck,
Hayden!" She complained as she took one of the pillows and smacked me with it. "What did you and Ryan talk about last night? I wanna know." I said. She gave me a confused look. "How did you know?" She asked and I smirked. "I just do, now spill." I ordered, moving to the other side of the bed. She sighed as I grinned at her eagerly. She rolled her eyes but smiled at me as she began explaining the night to me.

"So, you two just got to know each other? Really?" I asked in disbelief but she nodded with a small smile playing on her lips. "Really." She said and I narrowed my eyes. "You mean you had a cute guy in bed with you and all you did was chat like you're at Sunday service?" I asked again and she nodded as her face turned red. "There is something wrong wth you two." I pointed out. She giggled shyly at me before hiding her face in her hands. "He's really easy to talk to. He's a good listener and he's actually a very intriguing person. There is more to him that what meets the eye." She hummed and I rolled my eyes. "You sound like a commercial." I said and she pouted at me. "It's cute though!" I defended quickly. "Cute?" I nodded slightly with a smile. "You like him. It's cute." I hummed as she blushed again. "How is it cute?" She wondered aloud and I shrugged. "It's just adorable. You were looking at each other yesterday then you talked all night and there was probably cuddling. It's cute." I said and she nodded, smiling. I was about to speak again but something else caught my attention. The heavenly smell of brownies to be exact. "Brownies!" I screamed and jumped off the bed, bolting down to the kitchen and tackling Ryan to the ground, stealing the plate of freshly baked brownies out of his hands and grabbing the jug of milk out the fridge along with a couple glasses before running back to my room and diving onto the bed. I sat up and situated myself before pouring Dee and I each a glass of milk and setting the plate in the middle of us, handing her a glass. She gave me a weird side glance and I giggled. "Don't get in the way of me and my brownies." I said and she nodded slowly. "Noted." She hummed as I giggled and stuffed a brownie in my mouth. I felt kind of bad for attacking Ryan but he knows how I am with brownies. Why he made brownies for breakfast, I will never know. One thing I did know though, I love brownies. Warm gooey brownies are the best. Nothing could be better in my opinion. "Am I aloud to have one since I did make them? And some milk?" I heard Ryan's voice and looked up to the doorway where he stood with an empty glass. I nodded and he smiled as he walked over and outed himself some milk, sitting on the bed next to Dee and grabbing a brownie. She blushed and looked down as she ate, her shyness coming through. I giggled at her and she peeked up at me with a small smile. I noticed Ryan's free hand find hers as he intwined their fingers together loosely, making me grin. "Awe!" I cooed with a mouthful of brownie, my motherliness coming through at their cuteness.

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