Chap 1

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Alexis' POV (Night of September 3, 2020)

"Amera, time for bed," I said.

"Now?" asked Amera as I picked her up. "Good night."

"Good night," said Jamie.

"I'll be back," I said. I took Amera up to her room and read her a story. "Good night Amera." I kissed her on her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Mommy," said Amera.

My phone rang. "Hello?" I asked as I picked up.

"We have a case," said JJ.

"On Thursday night at nine pm?" I asked.

"I know," said JJ. "I wish the unsub would let us have our nights too."

"I'll be there as soon as I put Amera to bed," I said as I hung up. I looked at Amera. "I have to go to work, okay?" I looked at her. "Amera?"

"When will you be home, Mommy?" asked Amera.

"As soon as I can," I said. I kissed Amera's forehead and turned off the lamp. I closed her door and walked downstairs. "Jamie, watch Amera." I grabbed my black leather jacket and put it on. "I have another case." I grabbed my car keys and Morgan was waiting in the drive way. "Really?" I got into the SUV and he started driving. "You really should stop by a lot more often." I looked at Morgan. "She wants to see her father too."

Morgan's POV

"Last I check I am not her biological father," I said.

"No but you are on her birth certificate," said Alexis. "You should at least see her every single day."

"Or I could just move in with you," I said. "If you want be to see her every day."

"What makes you think you're moving in?" asked Alexis as I parked the car. "Seems like you have a proposal to make."

"That I do, baby girl," I said as we walked into the conference room. "We'll talk later."

"Did it take that long to get Amera to bed?" asked JJ. We all sat down. "Must've had sugar."

"Well, no," said Alexis. "Morgan here just drives slow."

"That might come in handy," said Garcia handing each of us a case file. "Here we are." She stood near the screen. "Two bodies disassembled." We looked at her. "One was missing their arms. The other their legs."

"So a serial killer?" I asked.

"Possibly but the bodies are places with no posture or position," said Garcia. "But the weird thing is, there's a tornado a day before the body is found."

"Looks like we're flying to Kansas," said Rossi.

"Wheels up," said Hotch. "Now."

"Okay," I said. Alexis and I got into the SUV and I started driving. "Look, Alexis." I looked at her. "I know it's not a good time."

"Morgan, at least after the case," said Alexis as I parked the car. "Just please leave it for a better time." We boarded the jet and we took off. "This is tornado season?"

"I thought tornado season was over," said JJ.

"I guess not," I said.

Alexis' POV

"Tornado season is usually spring and summer," I said. "This is obviously off the charts."

"It's storming though," said Prentiss. "We got that."

The plane shook and stopped. "I hate turbulance," said Rossi.

"Turbulances rarely causes plane crashes. We have to worry about microbursts," said Reid. "If we hit one of those at the wrong altitude, we'll be polarized."

"I beg of you to make him stop," said Rossi as the plane shook and stopped. "This is ridiculous."

"There is possibly no way we can do this," said Garcia popping up on the screen.

"We have to try," I said.

"The only way to find this unsub is to dangerously get close to the tornado," said Garcia. "Do you really wanna chase a storm and get sucked into it?"

"It's worth risking my life to save others," I said.

"Well, the unsub is a white male, late thirties, and owns an RV," said Reid.

"I can get the storm chasers on that," said Garcia. "See you later with the deets."

"Bye," said Morgan as she ended the chat. We got off the plane. "I hate this case."

"Suck it up," I said. We put on our vest and FBI jacket. "It's cold."

"Yeah," said Morgan. "Do you want my jacket?"

"No, I'm good," I said as we got into the SUV. We put on our earpiece. "What exactly are we going to do?"

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