Chap 12

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Morgan's POV

"It'll be fun," I said.

"I would love to," said Jamie. "But can I just call you Alexis and Derek?"

"Whatever feels comfortable," said Alexis.

"Derek, is Amera's?" asked Jamie.

"He was there when Amera was born," said Alexis. "Biologically he's not."

"We'll see you when we get home," I said as we left the house. We got into the SUV and started driving. "Two kids?"

"You said you wanted a baby," said Alexis. "I'm not having a baby." I parked the car and we walked into the building as we put our ID badge on. "I think we can wait."

"For what?" asked Prentiss.

"Morgan wants a baby," said Alexis.

"You want our best agent working in the office?" asked Prentiss.

"I'm only twenty three," said Alexis.

"Wait another year," said JJ.

"We already have two," said Alexis.

"Two?" asked Reid. "We all know of one."

"We just adopted Jamie," I said. "She's fifteen."

"Knowing Morgan?" asked Alexis. "He's going to try."

"We have a case," said Hotch.

"Alright," said Alexis. She walked into her office and grabbed a letter from her desk. She walked out. "Let's go."

"The usual," I said. "Cases."

Alexis' POV

"I think I love what I do on a daily basis but people leaving ME their resignation letters?" I asked. "Please." We walked into the conference room. "Hotch is there a new policy that I do not know about?"

"This would be the first I've heard of it," said Hotch. "Why?"

"Why are agents leaving me their resignation letters?" I asked.

"I left it because I could trust you," said JJ.

"Who quit?" asked Hotch.

"Blake," I said.

"She cleared that with me earlier," said Hotch. "It's fine."

"Alright," I said as I sat down. "I was getting a little angry."


INSTAGRAM (jamie_morgan page)

jamie_morgan: a picture of three amazing people. @alexismorgan @derekmorgan and Amera Morgan. Yes, I changed my ig name. I take care/babysit Amera when her parents are our working for the FBI saving lives. I'm glad I can call them my parents. They adopted me and this is such a wonderful family. I love them #sister #mom #dad #family #love #protected


"Alexis, I need you and Morgan to go with me," said Hotch.

"Why?" I asked liking the picture. I put the phone in my pocket. "I'm still a little confused."

"We're interrogating a prisoner in jail," said Hotch. "We might need you."

"Why not just use Morgan?" I asked.

"Its a guy," said Morgan.

"You're going to actually seduce them," said Hotch.

"Ugh, sometimes I hate my job," I said.

Morgan's POV (At Jail)

"He's not going to crack," I said standing outside with Alexis listening to Hotch interrograte the prisoner. "Its obvious he's not going to give us the names."

"Come on Hotch," said the prisoner. "That was funny."

"Go on in there," I said.

"Alright," said Alexis as she walked in.

"Hello," said the prisoner as she closed the door. "Who are you?"

"My friends call me Alexis," said Alexis.

"Well, hello," he said standing up.

"Sit down," said Hotch.

"Hello," he said sitting down. "Alexis."

"You're not my friend," I said. "You can call me Agent Inthavong."

"Ouch," said the prisoner. "That was quite a nice touch bringing in the hottie." I scoffed. "I tell you what. Draw a card. If you win, I'll give you the names."

"What if you win?" asked Hotch.

"I get to small Agent Inthavong's hair," said the prisoner.

"No," said Hotch.

"I thought you wanted answers," he assured.

"Go to hell," said Hotch.

"It's okay, Hotch," said Alexis.

"Fine," said the prisoner. "There are no other bodies."

"Great," I said. Hotch and Alexis walked out. "Is our job done?"

"I hope it is," said Alexis. "I don't want another situation like this."

"You and me both, baby girl," I said. "You and me both."

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