Chap 16

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Morgan's POV (My Birthday)

"Hey guys," I said walking into the bull pen from the break room. "What's going on?"

"Nothing really," said JJ.

"Where is my lovely lady?" I asked.

"In her office," said JJ. "She's getting things done before the day ends."

"Ends?" I asked.

"Your kids get off in a few," said Prentiss. "Or have you forgotten you had kids?"

"Dylan and Amera," I said. "I haven't forgotten my own kids." I looked towards Alexis' office. "And Jamie is watching after them today. I'll be back."

"She said not to bother her," said JJ.

"I'm not exactly bothering her," I said knocking on her office door. "Alexis?" There was no answer. I walked in and no one was in there. "Alexis?" I walked up to her desk and there was a piece of paper with my name and a bow in it. "Odd." I read it aloud. "Morgan, I have gone out to your favorite resturant. You can find me there. Love, Alexis." I started thinking. "Dennys." I walked out of her office and the whole BAU team was gone. "What? Is this ditch Morgan day or something? Its bad enough my wife forgot my birthday."

Alexis' POV (Home)

"Alright guys," I said as the team entered the home. "This place is decorated and ready. Morgan should be finding his last clue about now." Jamie walked in and put the cake on the table. "The cake is here." I heard a car door close. "Is that him?"

"He's here," said JJ. "Shh."

"Hide," I said. We hid and made the room dark as possible. "Shh."

We heard the door open and the lights turned on. "Surprise!" we exclaimed as we jumped out of hiding.

"A party?" asked Morgan smiling.

"Happy birthday babe," I said walking up to him and giving him a hug. "You thought I forgot, didn't you?"

"I thought you did," said Morgan hugging me. "But thank you."

"Come here," I said. Morgan sat down on the couch. "This is your cake." He looked at the cake. It was a picture of our first professional family photo with all three kids, the BAU team, and us of course. "This is our family now."

"It sure is," said Morgan.

"We stick together through anything," I said. "Make a wish."

"I don't have to," said Morgan. "There's nothing I want more in the world then what I have now." I blew out my candles. "My wondeful family."

"You're kids have something for you," I said smiling. "Dylan! Amera!"

Morgan's POV

The kids came running in. "Okay," I said. "Dylan first." I picked him up and sat him on my leg. "What do you have for me, little buddy?"

"This daddy," said Dylan handing him a card. "I made it yesterday."

"Let's see," I said looking at it. "To Daddy. From Dylan." I opened the card. "Daddy, the man I look up to. The man who is my hero? My daddy is my hero. I love you Daddy." I closed the card and looked at Dylan. "Well, you know what buddy? I love you too and you're my little sidekick."

"Come here Dylan," said Alexis.

"Amera is next," I said as I got Dylan to sit next to me. I sat Amera in my lap. "What did my little girl get me?"

"This daddy," said Amera. She handed me a box and a card. "Happy birthday."

"Okay," I said as I opened the box. "You got me a phone case?" Amera nodded. "Okay." I opened the card. "Daddy! I love you and I will always be your little girl. But mostly I'll always be your little princess. Signed, Daddy's Little Princess, Amera." I kept reading but I questioned the last phrase. "Happy birfday?"

"Morgan," said Alexis.

"It's cute," I said kissing Amera on the cheek. "I love it. I love you kids so much."

"I got you something," said Alexis handing me a box. "I hope you like it."

I opened the box. "A new watch?" I asked. "Baby girl, I love it." I looked at her. "But you didn't have to give me this. You're my wife. What more could I ask for?" I looked at my family. "This is my life right here."

"Look on the back of the face," said Alexis.

I read the carving on the watch. "La vida de un agente de la pena saber que tango la familia perfecta y el amor de mi vida conmigo todo el tiempo. Te quiero," I read. I then looked at Alexis. "I'm not fluent in any language but one, which is english. So what does that mean?" Alexis smiled. "Please?"

"The life of an agent is worth it knowing I have the perfect family and the love of my life with me the whole time," said Alexis smiling. "I love you."

"Awe," said JJ. "She said her love in a foreign language."

"I love you too," I said kissing her.

A/N: I loved writing this fanfic. I incorporated soo much into this fanfic. Took a lot of time thinking about the right words. I know there are a lot of grammatical mistakes but I've been busy that I can't fix them but I hope you enjoyed reading this. There's a new fanfic out soon. Hope you check out my profile for it. You can also check out my other fanfic. Thanks for all the reads. Xoxo ~Alexis

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