Jump, Then Fall

274 4 9

"I don't know..."


Tessla started her walk back home. Her mood taking a turn for the worse. She got to the front door and entered the manor. She saw her mother in the hall and tried to avoid her.

"Hey sweetie how are you? I haven't seen you much today." Nana said. Fail.

"Oh... Just fine..." Tessla said absentmindedly. She went up the stairs quickly to avoid more conversation and went to her room. She opened her door and saw Newton cleaning her room after what looked like a tornado flew in.

"Hey sis. Monty came in and made quite the mess in your room." Newton said. Tessla shook her head.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll clean it up later. You can go work on your invention or something." She said and flopped onto her bed, starring at the ceiling.

"Alright. Are you alright there sis? You seem sad..." Newton said worried.

"Nah, I'm just tired." Tessla closed her eyes and heard the door open and close.

Are they worried I found out about what they said? Tessla shook her head. She looked at the red glowing plush.

"Iton. What were your siblings like?" She asked.

"Well, purple was smart, they knew how to take stuff apart and put it back together to make something better. Yellow was better at using what was already around and breaking everything else. Green was the opposite of Yellow, puting things together then destroying everything else. Although they were all mean to me I don't talk to them anymore." Iton said and Tessla nodded.

"Mmm. What do you think I should do?" She hummed.

"I don't know. What do you think you would do?" Iton said and Tessla got up and grabbed her bag. She shoved cloths, her drawing things and other odd things.

"What are you doing?" Iton asked and Tessla picked up the plush.

"Leaving." She said leaving her room. Accidentally knocking a picture frame over and breaking the glass.


"Hey sis I finished working on the suggestion you made for the Pumpinator. I thought you'd like to see it." Newton said. He left his sister alone for an hour after she seemed upset. He knocked on her door and no response was given.

"Tess? I'm coming in." He said opening the door slowly. He first saw the picture fram on the ground broken and her bag gone. Her plush was gone too.

"Tessla?" He walked around the room and looked outside. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Did I do something wrong? Newton thought. He left the room and looked around the house.

"Mumsy, have you seen Tessla recently?"

"No dear have you?" Nana said. She looked up from a sleeping cat on her lap.

"No. I'm going to go look for her." He said leaving the manor.


"Are you sure this is a good idea Tessla?" Iton said in his glowing orb form.

"No. I just need to think about the situation away from them." She said kicking a pebble into the river.

"How will that fix the problem?" Iton asked.

"I don't know Iton!" She snapped at him. "Sorry, I'm just upset about what has been happening."

"About what?" Newton said coming from behind a tree. Tessla gasped and turned around.

"How much did you hear?"
"Why are you avoiding me and mumsy? Also who's Iton?" Newton asked and his sister turned and ran away.

"Hey wait!" He said running after her. She ended up at the end of the river where the waterfall was and she stood awfully close to the edge. Newton caught up to her.

"What's wrong with you? You're not normally like this!" Newton asked and Tessla shook her head.

"Don't you get it?! Iton overheard what you and mumsy said about me! How I was a horrible person!" She yelled at him.

"What!? That's absurd! We would never say anything of the sort. Who is Iton?" Newton told her trying to stay calm. She backed away from him and felt her foot go in the water.

"Iton is someone I've known for fifteen years! I trust him." She said.

"You trust him more than your family? Tessla, we've known each other since you were born." Newton said and Tessla took a few steps forward.

"You... you're right..." She said. Out of her bag a red light came out and flew into Tessla. She screamed then fell over.

"Tessla!" He ran over to her. Then she stood up with a red eye instead of an amber yellow.

"Hey. See you later Newton." She said taking a few steps back. Newton grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing sis? This isn't like you..." He said. She giggled in response.

"Mmm. Maybe you shouldn't of left her alone so much to think about her thoughts. At any rate, she's a puppet now." Tessla said, then pulled her arm out of his grip and fell backwards into the river.


...I am very tired. I might come back and change the end because my sleepy writing is not all that great.


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