Relit Spark

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"You can't be serious." Newton sighed. Keith's smile turned serious.

"No. Im absolutely sure. I was looking around and I-."

"Keith we went over this." Newton sounded exasperated. Keith was one of Tessla's closest friends, but he and Keith never saw eye to eye.

"Don't brush me off this time! I have proof this time!" Keith pulled out a folder out of his bag.

"You had proof last time. We got lost in the woods for hours looking for a house that never exsisted." Newton frowned, looking at the folder in Keith's hand.

"I know I saw that house Newton, but this time i got real proof!" Keith watched trepidly as Newton opened the folder. Out slide a few pictures, sticky notes, and a candy wrapper.

"Oops, sorry about that." Keith took the wrapper sheepishly and laughed. "Photos! I got photos of the house I saw!"

"Keith, please." Newton closed the folder. Keith seemed unsatisfied with the response.

"Newton, come on, we both know there isn't enough hard facts to prove she's dead. She could be out there and need our help!" Keith was on the brink if yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Fine! If you're so sure she's out there, we will go out there. If she isn't out there, I don't want you coming to me with stuff like this ever again. I mean it this time!" Newton said holding his head. Keith smiled and grabbed Newton's hand.

"I won't let you down this time Newton!" Keith dragged Newton by his arm, nearly tearing it off his body.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! No need to drag me!"

So I'm excited to say that I'm almost free for the summer! So chapters are hopefully quick and published.
Also one quick note, I do plan on publishing a chapter that will give charecters a quick bio, realizing I'm throwing in my own charecters with no context of who they are. ^^'

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