Peaceful Chaos

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Ok, so i miiight have tweaked the timeline just a bit, because even though its a videogame about fabric people, i have a hard time believing this game took place in only a few days to a week. So the whole fiasco with the Titans lasted about 3-5 months.

The news was quite uneventful after the attack on Bunkum. Newton looked around his room, the old pictures he took down were noticeable from the faded spots on the wallpaper. His room was tidy rather than an organized  mess of wires and parts. He now  had a chalkboard littered with sticky notes with messy writing. A small drawing of a red orb was among the notes. Newton got off from his bed to go look at his work.

"It's been two years since that day, why haven't I figured it out yet?" Newton muttered to himself thoughtfully. He moved sticky notes from place to place and his wishful thinking and small amount of hope was what kept him from giving up. He thought back to what the yellow titan said to him a few months prior to his defeat.

"Sometimes the misunderstood should be forgotten."

It did more than bother him really, it drove him stark raving mad to be perfectly honest. Who'd blame him though? Yellow was a calm, yet cryptic fellow when Newton really thought about it. Purple was just plain rude, while Green was quite a joker. But they all did say a variety of misleading things.

"Does it matter? To you, no."

  Newton shook his head, looking at his work that now made no sense.

"Why do I even try?" Newton sighed as he started to take down his work and put it into a box. He got to the last layer and his heart sank. He took a taped up picture off of the chalk board and looked at it. It was a picture of him and Tessla at a school science fair, Newton holding up a second place ribbon while his younger sister held a first place ribbon.

"She was always the smarter of the two of us." He put the picture on his desk and finished taking the notes off the board. He sat down at his desk and looked at the picture again. Small sparks came from Newton's electric eyes as he thought about his little sister. He put the picture in a box with 'Sister' written neatly and carefully on the side. Newton slid the picture in carefully and put the box back in his closet. A new voice snapped him from his thoughts.

"Newty, get down here, dinner." His mother called from downstairs.

"Coming Mumsy!" Newton called back. He sighed again and left his room to rejoin his family.

Mmm. So, i am having writers block again and I don't want this story to drag on foreeeever. So, any suggestions on what happens next?

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