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Okay. So this chapter consists heavliy of dialogue, sorry for that in advance.

Also speech differences!
"Tessla."     "Iton."

Looking around, it was neutral. The rooms had no color at all and creativity wasn't present. In the center of the big room stood Tessla and Iton with a bag at their side. Tessla's eyes were different, one was a red color and one was amber. Iton, who was in control at the moment, was slightly twitching as he talked to Tessla.

"So, this is the safe house? Where are we anyway?"

"Ah, Yes. This is the safe house for the moment."

"For the moment? How long are we going to be here?"

"Hopefully, longer than I planned? I guess?"

"What? How long is that?"

"Considering that my siblings are on a rampage in Bunkum, I'd say a few weeks at minimum."

"Maybe Craftworld's hero will help contain them."

"Yeah, and hopefully we will have you home and me able to sustain myself without imploding."

"I hope you mean that figuratively."

"No. I'm going to set up the room."

"Alright, I'll stop pestering you."

"You're not pestering me." Iton finally said as he pulled out the paint and stickers from the bag. "So. How about this room being... Blue." He pondered as he splattered the paints around the room.

"Hey, so explain to me why you have to control my body?"

"My body can not sustain itself on it's own. As a normal titan's body is unstable, they absorb the creativity in the air to stabilize their form. My form needs more creativity than normal to sustain myself, but I can't obtain enough-"

"So that's why you possess my body?"

"In a sense, yes." Iton sat on the floor of the now blue splattered room. "While everybody creates   creativity in their body, you create an exceptional amount, so I leech off of it." Tessla listened and spoke up again.

"And will that hurt me in any way shape or form?"

"No. But it might make you feel sick sometimes. That would only happen if I took too much." Iton said pulling out the jumble of papers he had in a bag. Tessla watched patiently as he reviewed the notes her father had taken about the titans.

"So, why are the titans that are in the tin so bad that they had to be trapped?" Tessla asked. Iton looked up from the paper he was holding and thought for a moment.

"They got greedy." He answered simply. "That's really it, Tess. Our kind are actually quite docile, but there are a handful that take more then their share." Iton looked up at the ceiling, then outside the window. The sun had set and the moon had risen.

"I feel tired. Can we sleep now?" Tessla yawned.

"It would be wise to get some rest now." Iton said walking out of the paint splattered room and into the makeshift bedroom.

Okay, so sorry for the loooong wait for an update. I just got a new phone a while ago. So stick with me here! I WILL finish this story.

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