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~Ace's POV~

Finally the last class then it's just that damn detention left. Me, Will and Josh sat and did everything we could to not fall asleep when our teacher went through some new rules in match. I knew that if I just remembered what he said now I would get an A on the test. Alex and I were very lucky that we actually where smart, none of us have ever studied but always passed the test because we learned fast.

Will failed and his head fell to the table with a loud bang! Josh couldn't hold back a loud laugh when Will didn't wake up after the fall. Which annoyed the teacher, "Why don't you new guys take an hour at detention so you can learn how to behave in class!" Josh's face was priceless, he was stunned. "You got to be kidding me! This school is freak show!" Josh complained. "Tell me about but it's mostly because me and Alex, why the teachers are this strict" I smirked at him. "You guys are insane! Hope that Mike have a great time over at English!" He sighed. He sat and draw on a snoring Will while we waited for the bell to ring.

~Alexa's POV~

"You know if you sleep in any of the classes you get detention!" I poked the skateboard annoying guy as he was about to fall of his chair when he nodded of in sleep. "What? That's stupid!" He mumbled but when he saw Mr. What's-his-face look he straighten himself. 

"What did you do at the principal's office this morning if you aren't new?" He looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Why would I tell you?" How did he even know that I was there this morning? I didn't met him until after the first class. "Just trying to start a conversation to keep me awake" he winked, I rolled my eyes. "He saw me and tried to have a talk about my behavior for this year" it wasn't that important after all. 

"Oh you really hate attend to school?" He continued the questioning. "Of course I do! This is literary hell and I already know what I want to do and it's not anything I need history for!" I wrote on the rapport we got, if I finished it maybe I don't have to come to class tomorrow... "Family business?" I nodded. It was kind of nice that these guys new what everything meant. Sure Julie and Anton knew about my life but it isn't the same because they haven't lived it. It isn't some ordinary life, it could be hard sometimes.

 "I see, why did you give yourself detention like that?" It's like sitting with the Riddler! "Because I need to get Ace out of it early" I shrugged "and no more questions!" He sighed and rolled his eyes. He was actually nice but there something about these guys I didn't like. They looked at me like I were some price or anything, I hated it.

The bell rang and we gathered our stuff. The skateboard annoying guy's name was apparently Mike, he followed me to the detention. "Did you get detention as well Mikey?" Blondie asked Mike when we met him, Ace and the silent one. "No Alex helped me to not accidentally get one! What are you guys doing here and why does Will look like he got an underpaid tattoo from a stripper?" He pointed at the silent guy whose arms was covered in doodles. He gave Mike a murdering look but didn't say anything.

"Ehm... we are actually here for detention. Will here fell asleep and I couldn't help laughing at him!" Blondie scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. Mike started to laugh his lungs of. The door opened and a young man appeared, Mr. Lens was only like 23 years old, he was working with helping students in the school and held the detention. 

"Come on guys let's get started!" He opened the door for us and Mike waved us of. I was the last one in and I met Mr. Lens eyes, he was really hot and we actually got together on one of Jeremy's parties last summer. "Are you coming to night?" He winked at me. Yes he was coming which made this even easier. 

"I was thinking about that but Ace and I are here and you know the rules" I acted like an innocent girl. "Well what do you say about you two stay here in like 20 minutes and then you can go? I heard Jeremy got a surprise for you!" He whispered that last part to me. He wasn't afraid for Ace, they were actually really good friends. "Thank you Matt, I'm sorry Mr. Lens!" I had no problems with openly flirting with him like this. The only persons in detention was Ace, Will, blondie and I so why bother.

 Matt gave me a quick wink and we all sat down. "So first day back to school and we have the twins as usually and two out of three new guys. Impressive guys! You can all just sit and relax, Ace and Alex knows the drill!" Blondie and Will looked at us surprised when Ace and I sat down and started to look down on our phones. "So this isn't any ordinary detention huh? Why was you so nervous Josh!?" Will whispered. Blondie aka Josh hit him hard on his shoulders.

 "No because thanks to my sisters hormones we are on good terms with Matt and his a friend outside school" Ace muttered as he checked his Facebook. "Cant we get released when you guys do?" Josh asked silent so Matt didn't hear him. I shook my head to him, "No, I don't now if I like you guys so sorry. My generosity goes as far to let my brother out" Ace laughed and looked at Josh's face. 

"You see you guys have no match against her!" he pulled out his tunge. "We'll see about that! Mike seems to have gotten through to her!" Ace growled and I looked confused between them. "What are you guys talking about? Seriously!"

~Ace's POV~

Alex looked disturbed at us. I didn't want to tell her because this game wasn't going to happen. If anyone would hurt her they would die. But then she would refuse this so maybe it's best if she could tell them off herself.

"The guys have a bet about who could score you!" I simply stated to her. Her eyes widened and then narrowed in to the guys. "You got to be kidding me!? What are you guys? Five?" Will looked up on her with a disgusted look, "What the did you do when you were five?" he asked. Will didn't step back from her look, he was the only one that didn't care about the murdering look or even were scarred of her or me. 

"So you say that these guys, Blondie, Goth and Tony Hawk tries to get into my pants?" she looked furious at me and I nodded back and laughed. I always loved it when she gave people nicknames. "Ace and Alexa you guys can go know! I see you two later tonight!" Matt spoke over the room to us. I smirked at the guys as Ace and I got up. I winked to Matt before I went out and Ace just rolled his eyes. Next stop home.

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