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~Alexa's POV~

"So you and the new guys seems to get along well now!" Julie smirked at me and Anton leaned in to hear well. They sat with me after the last class waiting for my detention, they wanted to talk gossip. "They are Ace's friends not mine! And because I'm with him I have to stand out with them" both of them rolled their eyes and didn't believe me, "but they seems to like you a lot!" Anton tried. "Well that's because I'm a part of their game. They are competing to see who can score me!" both of them dropped their jaws when I told them. The school was empty except from two students who stood across the hall, waiting just like me. 

"They Whaaat?" Anton screamed and the other two looked curious up on us. I slapped him on his shoulder, "Can you be quite! They won't succeed anyway, I'm not interested in anyone of them" I whispered angrily to him. "How rude to play with someone like that!" Julie squeaked, I nodded but didn't respond. I have been wondering a lot if they still play because of everything that happened. But boys will be boys...

"There you are Walker!" and when you speak about the trolls. Mike, Will and Josh came around the corner and headed to us. "I don't think we have been introduced! I'm Mike" he shook hands with Anton and Julie who, thank God have good pokerfaces. The bell rang before anyone got to say anything else, "See you tomorrow!" I told my friends and walked in. "Are you ready?" Mike whispered to me, "Yes" I whispered back.

"What are you guys talking about?" Josh asked curiously. "Thanks to someone, no names..." I pointed at Mike, "I have a discussion about my history assignment with Thomas" Mike giggled behind me and didn't look sorry at all.

 "Dude! What if he would hurt her or anything! This isn't a game" Will hit Mike in the back. "Take it easy man, you think he would attack her in school? No. If he would we'll be in the same room so we could help her..." all three of them started to argue about my safety, so I went in without them. I can take care of myself. 

"So Alexa what did you find out?" Thomas sat down beside me after giving the rest of the group work to do.

"I got a source that told me that Dark Roses are a big gang that used to work for Dark Tears, one of the most feared gangs in the city. But after a fight they decided to work for themselves. The gang is big but it's just a number of members that knows the leaders name, in case of somebody get caught, tortured and forced to tell everything. And like my brother told you in class the most members in every gang here in town are in some way related to the founding gangfamily. In this case there it's said that the leader of the Dark Tears son is a member in Dark Roses"

Thomas listen closely and seemed to be very interested, maybe a little too interested. Did he want to see how far onto him we are? "That's great! Your source, is this somebody reliable?" he wrote down everything I told him and looked up on me. 

"Yes very, but I can't tell who because then it could set of some dangerous signs for the gangs" he nodded and wrote it down. "I think this will be great. You can use this to write on your piece in history. You can use the detention for more searching. I actually have some books, papers and a lot of other things you can use." He got up and walked out. 

Within a second the guys sat down with me, "How did it go?" Will whispered so the others in class couldn't hear. "Fine, he's going to get me some more information. He want me to dig deeper" they looked confused. 

"Why would he want that if he is the leader, wouldn't he want to stop you from doing exactly that?" Josh asked doubtful. "You would think" was my my only response. "Thanks to you I have to work harder than I ever done in school!" I pointed at Mike. "Sorry but you know who can help you with the good info!" he winked. I looked confused, what did he mean? There was nobody that could help me.

 "Your boyfriend in the basement!" Josh poked me in the head like I was some idiot. "His not my..." I was interrupted by Thomas who just came in, with the biggest pile of papers I've ever seen. "You boys have to work and so does Ms. Walker" he told them and handed me the papers. The guys didn't want to question him so they went to their table. I looked after them, desperate for any company that wasn't Thomas. "Here you go, I think you might find this interesting" he told me and walked away. I sighed and started to read, this would take ages.

The guys followed me home, they didn't want me to go alone. "Come on we have to see Ace and make some fun of him!" Will sang cheerful when I once again told them that they didn't have to go with me. "Did anyone see Rose today?" Josh asked everybody, "No, it's weird. According to Adam nobody was at her place so she isn't hurt" I said in a thoughtful way. "Well I don't think we have to look for her. Look" Mike told us and pointed forward.

Ace and Rose stood in front of the house talking. "It seems like she is about to go" Josh was right. Rose hugged Ace and walked away, she waved to us but then walked in the other direction towards her bus home. 

"Casanova!!" Josh yelled out in a greeting to Ace. He looked like he wanted to be hit by a car when he saw us. His face turned glaring red. "We have to be in school and you get to flirt? How is that a punishment for you?" Will complained loudly. Ace still couldn't talk, he was really embarrassed. 

"Well we got some information and he didn't. Doesn't that count as a win Josh? So we could go up to Alexs room and have a secret meeting without him!" Mike acted seriously. Ace gathered his senses and stared murdering at him. "What kind of information? I swear I'll..." he started to threaten all of them. "Take it easy bro! Come on, we can take this upstairs" I slapped him on his shoulder, he frowned in pain but followed me up.

~Ace's POV~

"Why does he have this about us?!" I asked the group. They had explained everything to me that happened in school and we were now going through the information Alex gathered from his office. "I don't know but it's not good. Look your mother's name and family is on this" Will threw his phone so I could look. "This isn't good!!" josh sighed and continued to search. 

"Alex I didn't know that you are younger then Ace! And look here, where you really in the hospital for beating up a guy that was four years older than you?" Mike looked terrified up on my sister. "Yeah so what? He tried to steal from me!" she shrugged. "You were five!!!" Mike continued in panic. "And it was my cookie!" she folded her arms and waited for him to judge her more, but he was clever enough and shut up. 

It was fun sitting here, hang out and search for whoever wanted to kill us. I just missed Rose, she was staying at home today and then she wanted to check on me. She was so sweet, there was something about her and she was different from the others. 

I looked down on the others who had their noses in their phones searching for something new. Will and Josh sat across Alex and Mike, who looked very close. Mike and Alexa sat with a minimum space between them and Alex didn't mind, something was odd about this too.

"What did you say that your mother's birth name was again?" Josh asked carefully and glanced at me. "Emma McConnell, why?" he looked scared and grabbed his phone even harder. "I think you were right before. Our new teacher Thomas, his full name is Thomas McConnell. He's your mother's uncle and godfather. Our new teacher is the man who want to kill your mother..." 

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