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~Alexa's POV~

I laid down on my side, my cheek pressed against the cold concrete floor. I've been in this position for a while now, the cold have spread through my whole body. I stared at a spot on the wall and didn't even have the strength to look at Mike when he tried to talk to me. I was so weak, how could a person be as weak as I am? How could the gang keep me when I can't even take care of myself?

I hear a fight upstairs, someone got dragged into the house. A woman is screaming, no begging for mercy. I felt Mike got up on his feet so he could get closer to the ceiling so he would hear well. "I think it's his ex-wife. They are arguing about the daughter, something about that he can't see her and she refuse to do it as well" Mike whispered to me. The only thing I could do was feeling bad for the woman, who have to be up there with him.

We could hear someone, probably Scarface hitting the woman as she argued. She was screaming and I could hear how much pain she was having for every punch. Footsteps was right above us and they dragged a body cross the floor. The steps came downstairs and eventually we could hear them closing in on us. The door open and Scarface threw a woman into the room and closed the door again.

With Mikes help I got up in a sitting position and watched the woman. She was older, maybe around my mothers' age. Her blond hair covered her face but we could hear her cry. We didn't do anything, Mike sat close to me and we just watched the woman in shock. Eventually her hair fell down from her face when she looked up on us. I could feel all the air went out from my lungs, that face, those eyes, that woman. "Alexa Walker??" she asked me with the most scared voice I ever heard.

~Ace's POV~

I ran through the school and didn't stop until I reached my destination. I started knocking on the door like an idiot and the guys caught up with me panting like they never breathed before, they should start a program with Leo and they all could get shaped up.

Someone violently opened the door and growled, "What!!!" Thomas looked furious at us when he finally understood who came to visiting him in his office before the classes. "Sorry Thomas, it's urgent!" I told him and after he looked outside to see if someone followed us he waved us inside.

"What do you want Walker? I have a class to plan!" he spit, we apparently interrupted him doing something important. "Is that class going to be about Ace and his sister?" Will asked him and pointed at the open folders on his desk. He closed them in hurry and put his hand over them, "No, I checking their grades" he lied, we knew that but we didn't have the time to care about anything else then Alex and Mike. "Thomas we found him"

I whispered the words that made Thomas look even more confused. "I... I don't know what you mean Walker" he stumbled backwards and tried to reach for something, but Josh was faster. He picked up his gun and pointed it at Thomas before he got any chance to do the same. Will went to the door, closed and locked it. We all turned to Thomas who was terrified, "we don't want to hurt you! We need your help, the person you are searching for, I found him. He got Alexa and Mike in captivity and we want you to follow us and save them. You could help us a lot with this"

He hesitated and thought about what I said and if I actually really knew. "Fine but I only want one thing in return! I want to talk to him!" I nodded to him and shook his hand. "So you need to take a sick day of today professor, you're coming with us" I pointed at the door and Josh put down the gun when I passed him. "Where are we going?" Thomas packed his things and all the research, "Home to me" I told him. A bag fell to the ground and Thomas froze, "I can't! You know I can't! Your mother..."

"My mother wants her daughter to be home and safe. I f you can convince them that you really will help us they would accept it!" Will picked up his bag and pushed him out through the door. To be honest I was nervous as well, this could go either like I told Thomas or they would kill him big time.

"What is he doing here!?" mom yelled and reached for a bat the laid right beside the table she was standing next to when we entered with Thomas behind us. "Oh no you won't!" Jake came up behind my mom and took the bat from her. "Mom listen to him! He have been searching for this man since he came out from prison and I think he could help us!" mom was furious and I could see the smoke rise up from her head.

"Fine we give him a chance to talk then we decides what to do!" my father appeared after standing in the doorway observing us. His eyes was red and not only was Alex missing but now I invited moms' former murderer. My phone buzzed and I saw that Alex's friend Julie was calling me, "Julie I don't have any new information I..." I answered the phone but she interrupted me. "Ace it's not about Alex. It's Rose, she's missing!"

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