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~Alexa's POV~

I stood with Will and Josh on each side of me and looked up on the great storage house I've heard so much about from my parents. This would be the first time I participate in something like this. Ace, Leo and Zach joined us and we were just waiting on Mr. McGowan's second in command, Mike's father. The rules was still, no gangleader but we needed one delegate from the gang we represented.

They weren't far behind and we were soon inside. It was massive inside, it looked like it was taking from a movie or something. There were great lights, designs, spotlights and there were people everywhere. Ace walked behind me far as possible, I tried not to seem worried or anything, I needed to keep my face straight.

 We came to the desks for check-in, "McGowan's gang? Nice here is your schedules and cards to get in everywhere. Please leave your guns in your box here in the back" A woman said nicely to us and handed a box with the name 'McGowan'. We all emptied our pockets and let the weapons be left behind, "I feel naked without them" Josh whispered as we walked in at the main stage. "Well you always do when you feel unsafe and you should in a place like this" Zach whispered back to him.

"Nice to see that McGowan choose to spend his time here in town in a more useful way" a man came up to us when we entered the room where the first mission was going to be. The man shock hands with every one of us, "I'm Michael and this is my world that I created!" he explained and took a dramatic spin. "I'm impressed!" Ace said in a trustworthy voice. Michael turned to him and observed him carefully, "Aren't you a Walker? And isn't your guards here in walkers gang?" he had recognized us.

 What would we do, we hoped that it wouldn't be this fast, "true" Ace said simply, he didn't do it much easier for us. Michael looked as surprised about his honesty as me, "We know that our family isn't welcome here, but me and my sister isn't the most cooperative with them for the moment. The fact is that they cold hearted threw us out from the house. Leo and Zach here was on our side and we needed some extra cash that McGowan could pay us for doing this so we said yes." He could lie so simply and he used his inner anger that made it seem so real. 

"It's true Michael. Zach and I couldn't let them be on their own. Tyler and Haylee didn't agree with your business ideas when the twins wanted to participate. McGowan shared that interest, so to summarize it all four of us have changed gang and will be going with McGowan back to New York later" Leo and Ace's cooperation and quick understanding for each other was breathtaking.

Michael clapped his hands together in joy, "Well, of course you can participate tonight. There's nothing greater to see young minds form after the right way of looking at life. And I think you'll like the price as well, she can be very handy I think" he finally said. I stood a bit away from Ace but I could still hear his knuckles crack when he clenched his fist.

 Michael heard it as well and turned around curiously but Leo was faster and moved his neck like he stretched it. "You might check that, it doesn't sound so good my friend" Michael told him and gave him a clap on his shoulder. "Yeah I think you're right" Leo said with a little tilted smile. "Anyway, I need to be on my way and check that everything is in order. Everything is set up for you and the game starts in ten minutes" Michael told us with a wide smile and walked away.

"He can really be scary!" I whispered to Josh and Will. "Yeah, he's really freaky, how he talked about the price like Rose was an object!" Will whispered back and Josh and I agreed. "so, Ace you're first up right! Mike explained for me how this is going to work. So I will be on the side with your sister, just focus on wining and make a great show and let us worry about everything around" Mike's dad told him and gave him a fatherly smile. Ace nodded and he, Zach and Leo walked up to the tables. "You think he can do it?" Josh asked me, "Yes he's actually kind of a genius. He's just think that hacking is boring" I could hear the guys laughed quietly.

The light went off and the spotlight started to light up and music started. "Here it goes!" I whispered to everyone.

"weeeeelcome hackers!!" Michael's voices echoed around the whole house and every living soul was watching him. 

"This year we decided to have our own town's teenager to compete. Let us see the future generation of hackers. Some of you might already have done this and some of you are just here for the payment the gang you represent promised." As he talked I took a look around and I recognized one of Liam's men. I poked Will with my elbow and nodded in the direction to the Dark Roses. 

The man spotted me and smirked, I flinched back because it was the man who attacked me while I hung in the ceiling. I felt Josh's hands grabbed my shoulders gently and I felt my body calm down. I was safe, they can't do anything to me, I'm safe...

"Because of the teenage theme we got tonight we also decided that the first task should to. The first competition that decides if you'll move on is to hack into your schools network and change all your grades to A:s. Behind me you can see the board and on the board is a screen for each and one of you. When you finished the screen will light up and show us your results. Any questions? Good because I wouldn't answer them anyway. Are you ready? GO!"

Everybody that sat in front of a screen dove into the keyboard and started hacking. I searched for Ace but couldn't find him, I knew that he had some troubles with a special sort of firewall and I just needed to see him work.

But something else caught my eyes, up on the second floor was a big window where you could overlook the competition, it had to be the office where Rose was. I saw a figure in the ceiling the crawled it's way to the office, the plan had begun. It have to be Patrick he was supposed to be the over watch and make sure that no one was coming as the other saved Rose.

I heard people cheering and I turned my eyes back to find Ace, I can't just stand there and look at the ceiling, people would be suspicious. 

"Look at that people! The first one is in and he is... No you must be kidding me look at him going!" the board light up and you could see that not only Aces grades was changing, no he changed every student in the schools grades. 

"I think we found us the next Emma McConnell!" Michael screamed out and I clenched my jaw for hearing him screaming out my mother's birth name. Josh's hands gripped tighter on my shoulders, I can't lose my control here.

Everyone in the room was watching Ace screen and everybody was overwhelmed by his talent. "Look there he destroyed a virus sent from the Dark Roses like it was a little fly. He's incredible!" Michael was all over Ace and he was commenting everything he did. I hope the others was done soon because Ace was finished in 4...3...2...1... 

"We got a winner and a big one for that matter! Ace representing MR. McGowan!" people cheered and I finally found Ace when Michael dragged his arm up like it was a boxing game. But Patrick was still up there, we needed more time, now it was on me to make a show on task nr.2. 

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