Opening my eyes I could see the sunlight peeking through my window. I looked at the time and it was 9:00 a.m. "Crap I'm late for school." I said getting up and sprinting to my bathroom and turning on the shower. After my shower I put on some black lulu lemons and a navy blue tank top. After doing my full morning routine I ran down stairs slipped on my white converse and then saw my mom in the kitchen.
"Um hey mom I thought you'd be at work?"
"Oh no I have the day off and I thought I'd let you skipped the day so we could spend some time together?" She said smiling.
"Um actually I have a lot of tests today so I think I should go to school." I lied, the only reason I wanted to go to school was to see Ash and talk to Kylie about what happened.
"Oh okay well I don't want to make you even more late than you already are."
"Well I'm going to go. Love you." I said walking out of the door grabbing my brown leather bag today.
Walking out the door I put my earphones in played some of my favorite songs. I heard someone screaming a name from behind me so I turned around.
"Arianna! Arianna wait up! I saw Ash running towards me. I took out my earphones and paused the song as he got closer with his brothers walking far behind him.
"Hey Arianna!" He breathed kind of heavily.
"Um this is going to be a little awkward after I tell you this but...that's not my name." I said with his sparkling blue eyes looking at me in embarrassment.
"Oh that is awkward, sorry." He said rubbing his neck.
"It's okay, you were close though, it's Adrianna." I said making him feel a little bit better about getting my name wrong.
"Right Adrianna." He said smiling at me.
"So I take it you're late to school too?" I said started some conversation.
"Yup but what's new and I see that Ms. goody goody is late too."
"I told you I'm not your average good girl." I said smiling.
"You still haven't proved it to me yet." He said with a smirk.
"I will."
We talked for a little and then finally walked into school. We both had to go to the office for tardy slips followed by his brothers.
"Well thanks for walking with me to school." I said about to turn around and head to class when I felt a hand grab my arm. I could feel the goose bumps start to form on my arm.
"No problem Adrianna." He said smiling at me and all I could do was stare into his crystal blue eyes. When I realized I was staring I quickly put my head down and then he let go of my arm.
"Um see you around?" I said awkwardly.
"See ya." He said and with that we both walked away from each other.
Walking away I couldn't wait to tell Kylie about what has been happening since the party. Walking into English I had a big grin on my face and sat down next to Kylie we have a lot of classes together.
"What did I miss?" She said as soon as I was in my seat.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well you only grin like that when its about a boy, now tell me!"
"Um basically Ash gave me a ride home from the party and then this morning he kind of walked me to school because we were both late." I said blushing.

Say You Like Me
عاطفية| Completed 10/11/19 | ♡ "Stop looking at me like that!" "Looking at you like what?" "Like you ugh." "Like I what?" He began to chuckle. "Never mind." I said rolling my eyes. "Like I want to kiss you?" My eyes almost popped out of my head...