Chapter 19: Confessions

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Ash's P.O.V

We finally got to my house and Adri was fast asleep. I feel like a douche bag bringing up my dad after we were having such a great time.

I got out if the car and went to the passenger door opening it. I slowly unbuckled Adri and carried her bridal style towards my house opening the door and kicking it shut. She snuggled her head more into mine as we were finally walking up stairs to my bedroom.

I laid her on my bed and began changing into basketball shorts and took of my shirt. I covered her up in the blankets and couldn't help but realize how gorgeous she is. I began walking out because I didn't want to be a creep but then I heard her small sleepy voice.

Who would of thought that we would end up together." She said smiling.

"Together?" I question. What does she mean?

"I mean um, Ash what are we?"

"I'm not sure." I said honestly, I had no clue what we were and I needed to stop it. I don't believe in relationships their stupid and only lead to drama I'm a guy I don't want to be tied down.

"Well what do u want us to be?"

"I want things to stay the same."

"You wouldn't call me your girlfriend?"

"I don't date Adri, why do girls need to label everything?"

"We don't."

"Yes you do! Adri I don't believe in relationships." I said walking out. I could tell by the expression on her face she was hurt but I couldn't let one girl change my mind.

Adrianna's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with a huge headache but i decided to ignore it. There was also no Ash by my side and I was kind of disappointed but after our conversation last night I can understand why. I can't believe he would never call me his girlfriend, yesterday it felt like we were actually a couple but maybe that's just me. It was six in the morning so I decided to take a shower.

After my shower I put on some rip jeans and a peach tank top with some flip flops. I brushed my hair and walked downstairs. Ash was in the kitchen making eggs. Shirtless. I ripped my eyes away and tried very hard not to look.

"Morning." I said smiling sitting down at the table. He looked at me and turned back to the eggs, he didn't even smile. ouch.

He sat down with the plate of eggs and toast across the table from me.

"I had a good time yesterday." I said trying to make conversation. He nodded his head not even looking at me. He suddenly got up and walked up to his room. I looked at the empty plate and decided to put it in the dishwasher for him.

He came back down stairs dressed and just walked out of the door heading for school. What's wrong with him? We were fine last night. I grab my bag and followed him outside.


"What do you want? God you're so annoying!" I looked down an bit my lip at his tone.

"Nothing." He is acting like such a jerk!

The rest of the walk to school was awkward. He walked faster than me on purpose to get to school.

When I walked in I saw him talking to Danielle and Erica. They were all laughing! What the hell? The bell rung and I walked to class alone with my head down. When chemistry came around I was not looking forward to sitting next to Ash.

When I got there he wasn't to be seen which I was thankful for but a couple seconds later my heart sunk when he walked in with Danielle. He said goodbye to her as she headed towards her class and walked over to me, after what she did to me I can't believe he is still talking to her. He sat down with out saying a word. He didn't even smile at me it was like I was invisible to him.

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