| Completed 10/11/19 |
"Stop looking at me like that!"
"Looking at you like what?"
"Like you...like you ugh."
"Like I what?" He began to chuckle.
"Never mind." I said rolling my eyes.
"Like I want to kiss you?" My eyes almost popped out of my head...
"Adri I could really careless about that right now because I'm telling you the truth. I'm literally putting my heart on the line right now."
"You don't feel the same?"
Of course I do but I can't tell him that and disappear tomorrow.
"I have to tell you something."
"What Adri, we are literally perfect for each other so I don't know what's holding you back."
"Ash, I-I, I'm leaving tomorrow, my dad is making me go."
He didn't say anything nothing at all. His hands went from hold mine tightly to falling to his sides. I just stared at him looking for an answer, he knew this was a possible outcome and so did I but it just feels so unreal.
He turned around for the door and just walked out slamming it behind him leaving me alone in the now cold room. I couldn't help but fall to my knees and start bawling. This is not how I wanted that to happen.
It must of been almost an hour and the party was still going strong, I left the room make-up probably all over my face deciding I needed to go talk to Ash more. I finally got down stairs stumbling of course and he wasn't in site. I felt like a terrible girlfriend and all I wanted to do was run into his arms and say "I LOVE YOU ASH" but as soon as I spotted him Kylie was right next to him rubbing his back.
Of course jealously consumed my body. Why the fuck was she rubbing his back? Why the fuck was he letting her? My first thought was to run up to them and tear her nasty little fingers off of him but I didn't because as soon as I took my first step forward he turned and embraced her into a hug.
I just wanted to leave but I wanted to stay because I wanted to be the one he was hugging. It was my last night seeing him after all. I backed up a little bit and sat on the bottom steps with my head down contemplating ways I could possibly stay to save our relationship because deep down I wasn't sure if it could last with us being apart.
My heart started pounding when I saw his shoes in front of my eyes and I slowly looked up. He held his hands out to mine and I slowly placed my hand in his getting up and following him outside. The cold somewhat windy air burst through my hair as we exited the house.
"Ash I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I wanted today to be a good last day thats all, I didn't want to think about it."
"I know babe, I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I was so sure you were going to stay." He pulled me into his arms and my arms automatically wrapped around his torso. He started running his fingers through my hair and in that moment I felt at home. I just wanted to stay and when I realized that this is what I'm going to be missing I started crying into his shirt.
"Hey guys! why u out here? let's go dance!" Rumor yelled at us coming out of the house?
"Will be there in a second." Ash responded and I just heard the door shut letting me know she went back inside. I felt a kiss on the top of my head before we both decided to go back inside and I quickly tried to wipe away my tears.
Rumor quickly grabbed me and dragged me to the dance floor, yup she was drunk but it made me start laughing.
"Don't worry, me and mom are going to bring u home. You won't be there long."
"I know sis, I trust you." I said hugging her.
The party soon died down and everyone began to leave.
Changing out of my costume now sober Ash came out of the restroom with his hair wet from the shower and thats when I just blurted it out.
"I love you too Ash." I finally said it and he just looked at me smiling.
I slowly began taking off my costume more. In front of him.
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My heart was pounding.
"You got me going insane." Was the last thing I heard him say.
He just gave me this little smirk and walked up to me slowly kissed me with so much passion I thought my lips were going to fall off. His hands went from my face down my torso and squeezing my butt a little. He grabbed my legs letting me jump so that my legs were now wrapped around his torso. He slowly walked near the bed and gently laid me down as he held himself above me. My lips met his again and quickly as thing started to heat up I realized what this was going to lead to as soon as all my clothing items were off my body.
I turned my head looking at Ash fast asleep. I was glad it happened but I also knew it was going to hurt a lot more now not being able to see him. I gave him apart of me and he gave me apart go himself. I defiantly felt a lot closer to him and it was a special night to me.
I could hear the tree branches hitting the bedroom window before it started to pour rain. I knew I needed to take in all his warmth and as I ran my fingers up and down his arm to comfort not only him but me I was scared this might be the last time in a very long time I'd be able to do this.
Just looking at him made me smile and I had to remind myself how lucky I was to have him. If I had one wish it would be to know what he was thinking and what was on his mind because its kind of driving me crazy not knowing.
Somewhere during my thought process I drifted off to sleep and was disappointed when I opened my eyes to the bright room realizing it was morning already. But my heart warmed up again as I felt Ash cuddled against me.
I heard my phone go off and I already knew it was from the person I've been dreading to talk to.
Dad: start packing. I'll be there in an hour.
I did not want to respond, there was no point to and I was already packed besides a few things so I decided that I'd spend this last hour with just my boyfriend and no interruptions.
"Morning gorgeous." I turned toward his voice and smiled. He got off the bed pulling me with me as we walked to the restroom. He handed me my toothbrush and took his putting toothpaste on both of them as we brushed our teeth.
I looked so gross this morning but was thankful for no hangover. That would've been terrible on a plane. After we were done we both went back to the bed to cuddle and watch some tv for a little bit. Ash was being so cute and loving holding my hand and running his hands all over my body and of course kissing my lips like it was the last time. I felt so in love and this was the first time I knew I was truly happy.
I was having an amazing time just laid up in bed with Ash until we both heard the door bell and knew time was sadly up.
Authors Note:
Thank you guys for your patience, I know its been awhile but I've been working, going to school and trying to deal with my own love life which is currently dead lol I hate boys. please tell me your thoughts by commenting and don't forget to vote <3