It's past midnight now, everyone left my moms including me. I went back to Ash's with him and we didn't talk much. The whole night I've been looking at the window across from Ash's wondering how this is possible.
How I didn't realize I look nothing like my parents. They both having brown eyes and I have blue. They're very tall and I'm short, I mean we don't even have similar features and now that I think about it I've never met any other family members. I never even questioned it.
How could they not tell me I was adopted. How could they not give my birth mother the right she had with getting pictures of me growing. How could they do that to a seventeen year old? Who were these people? I don't think I know them like I thought I did. I almost want to look at them as strangers.
Everything I knew, was not what I thought.
I got out of bed and put on a sweater walking downstairs and finally found myself outside on Ash's front porch. Aren't adoptive parents suppose to make sure you grow up in a happy home?Why did they want me in the first place? Whats going to happen now? Are they going to still send me to New York or will I get to stay here?
"Couldn't sleep?" My head whipped super fast towards the voice.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I can't sleep either and was on my porch too until I saw you." Rumor explained.
"It's okay, just wasn't expecting anyone to be up at this time." I made an uncomfortable giggle after I said that.
"How are you doing?" Rumor asked as she sat down next to me pulling her knees to her chest.
"To be honest, I don't know how to answer that question." I looked down.
"It's weird because I've known about you my whole life and always hoped that I'd be able to meet you one day."
"It's weird I didn't know about you and the first day we met I actually thought you were into my boyfriend." I laughed nervously.
"Wait really?! Never he's not my type anyway." She laughed.
"What's your type?" I asked only because I'm actually curious to get to know my sister a little bit.
"Hmm well I'm really into guys with long hair, skateboarders, the guys who wear band tees and skinny jeans." She laughed.
"There was this guy back home but finding you was more important so I didn't mind the move." She continued.
"Do you think you'll move back?"
"Hmm I'm not sure, I think right now mom wants to be wherever you are." She smiled at me.
"I really nervous to actually sit down just me and her and talk."
"Don't be mom is chill."
It was silent for a bit, I'm just trying to comprehend that I have a mom I've never met and in a way this is all a blessing because my mom right now is really messed up in the head and I'm not really sure why she's changed so much in the past months. I miss when she was normal.
"How was your childhood?" Rumor asked to break the silence.
"Oh well um in the beginning it was the childhood every kid would want. I was loved, had a roof over my head and was happy. When I turned sixteen almost a year ago everything changed. My mom became strict and my dad became distant. He was working all the time and so was my mom so I was home by myself most of the time.
They started to argue non stop and that's when my dad broke it to us that he has to move to New York for work but in reality he was having an affair and I guess he fell in love with a girl that could be my older sister. When my mom found out everything went to hell. I started to change as a person and so did my mom which made living together horrible."

Say You Like Me
Romance| Completed 10/11/19 | ♡ "Stop looking at me like that!" "Looking at you like what?" "Like you ugh." "Like I what?" He began to chuckle. "Never mind." I said rolling my eyes. "Like I want to kiss you?" My eyes almost popped out of my head...