ch. 1

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*KJ with a puppy*

I was new to the modeling gig. Hell I only joined last month. My manager was trying me out for different company's, but so far I hated them all.

Vogue, Rogue, Abercrombie, my manager even wanted me to try Victoria Secret. It was a nightmare.

I had a modeling gig today for one company, I wasn't quite sure of the name for this company, but I knew who it was run by.

"So you excited?!" Asked my manager, Alicia.

"Sure, if you count dragging my feet and moping as excited." I retorted, sipping on my warm caramel latte. It was 6 AM and I was tired, and in no mood for modeling.

"Well you are going to be doing a shoot for a magazine. You're going to model things like jeans and shirts, all that jazz." Alicia explained, handing me a sheet of paper.

"That is your schedule and map of what rooms you need to be in at what time, for makeup and hair, you know the deal." She said, picking up her pace.

"And you know who runs the company, right?"

"Yeah, some guy named... Cole Spruce?" I said, searching for the name in the back of my mind.

"Cole Sprouse. He used to be on Disney? Suite Life on Deck?" She said, opening the door to the front of the huge building.

"Ohh right. Was he Zack or Cody?" I asked, getting a laugh out of her.

"Cody. But please respect him! I really like him and was hoping to you know, hit it off." She said, whispering at the last part.

We walked over to the front desk, signing in and taking the elevator up to the 30th floor. Man did we have a good view of Los Angeles from up there.
Alicia left to go find Cole, while in the meantime I was to go get my hair and makeup done. I walked around, changing rooms and changing clothes for what seemed like hours, until it was finally time to go and do some actual modeling.

I scurried over into a huge room, cameras and lighting and backgrounds being set up. I spotted Alicia, twirling her hair over by a very unamused person. They were holding a laptop in one hand, trying to avoid all conversation with my manager. Boy was Alicia so not hitting it off with him. Guess things didn't work out with Coke, I mean Cole.

"Oh! Hey KJ! This is Cole, the director. He will walk you through it all, and all that jazz." She said trying to put a hand on Cole, but he walked over to his table and set down his laptop.

"Hello, nice to meet-" He turned around, sticking a hand out, but stopped as a blush appeared across his face.

"Nice to meet you too." I said, letting a small laugh out.

"Umm right ok... so let's talk about the shoot."
He said, pausing to tell Alicia we needed some privacy.

"Ok so our theme for this months magazine is tips and tricks. So for the front cover I was thinking we could do a shoot with puppies, and for the actual article we could do some more stuff like that. Sound ok?" He said, his eyes avoiding mine. Why was he so... nervous? None of my other directors were like this. They were all prominent and rude. But there was something about this Coke, I mean Cole, that stuck out to me.

Not to mention the fact that I was a queer in hiding, but there was something about him.

Cole brought in some puppies, and had me changed into some jeans, and no shirt. His blush appeared once again on his face when I walked onto the set.

"Wow, umm.. uh ok! So just roll around with the puppies, smile, and play with them. Just act natural." He said, and I nodded in agreement.


The shoot went by faster then I had thought, and I was disappointed. I liked this Cole guy.. and there was something about him that screamed that he liked me too.

After getting changed back into my regular clothes, consisting of joggers and a gray hoodie, I walked into the now empty room, filled with one still unsteady director.

"Hey, Cole is it?" I said, walking over to him.

"Yes, haha. Hello KJ, you did, wow. I mean those abs are great. Not to mention the accent. Aussie?" I nodded and he gave me an uneven laugh.

"Well, what is it?" He said, quickly turning away.

"Umm.. just wanted to see why you were so-"

"Nervous. I know. I get nervous around guys like you."

"Guys like me? What's there to be nervous about?" I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He let out a shaky breath, and he turned around.

And he kissed me.
Eyy so I hope you guys like this AU! I'm working on a short story so go check that out, and I just finished my other story Sweet Talk.

Credits to my good friend for the AU idea (you can follow her on ao3 @ Valentia)

Tumblr: @ tealeafcole
Instagram: @ tealeafcole

model [Cole x KJ] [Jarchie] [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now