ch. 19

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When it was nearing the end of July and it had been confirmed that Cole and I's stalked had been officially caught, things had finally started getting into place for me.

It was officially moving day, Cole and I had closed up on our house and we had the okay to move in after doing slight changes and high security measures.

Alicia was at the house when the moving truck arrived, and Cole being the perfectionist he is, had already begun ordering things around.

"No that couch needs to be tilted to the left a little more so that when it's golden hour I can sit and look good. No the other left, yup there. Actually- wait hold on-" Cole could ramble all day.

"Hi princess, guys the move that couch a little to the right, perfect." I said, walking over to Cole and giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek, handing him a bottled water.

"KJ baby but if we place it like that then the sun won't hit my face correctly!" Cole whined, walking over to the couch.

"Yes it will, look." I said, taking out my phone and opening snapchat. "See."
Cole sighed and let out a soft smile as he stuck out his tongue into the camera.

"Okay boys for real, one of you needs to order around the furniture because this family room is a mess." Alicia called out, shaking her head in disappointment.


August. The month where everyone began to stress, the month where everyone began to anticipate summer finally coming to an end, the month where i thought it would be good.

The new house was still being settled, and Cole had finally told Lili that she is just a beard. She got really upset and started crying, so Alicia calmed her down and ran over some contracts with her and an arrangement had been made.

Lili still acts like Cole is the love of her life though.

I rolled over in bed, shutting off my phone and tugging on Cole's arm that was lazily sling across my chest. He groaned and mumbled and whined, not wanting to get up on this lazy Sunday afternoon.
I ruffled his hair, fingers lightly tracing over him as he still decided to complain silently about getting up.

"Cole we can't sit here all day." I whispered, looking at him as he lay there. He looked tired, as if not having this moment for such a long time.

"KJ tomorrow we have a red carpet even for Riverdale." Cole sighed, turning around and nuzzling his nose against my chest, my arm wrapping around him. "So can we please just have today to us?" Cole explained.

"Can we at least get out of bed? Let's go to the living room, play some cards or something." I urged, getting out of bed and pulling Cole's hand.

"We can play on the playstation, but I am not playing cards." He giggled, getting up and out of the bed.

When we got downstairs, the place was bigger and emptier feeling than we had thought it would be. Even with all the furniture we had been putting in, there was something missing.

Cole turned on the playstation and picked out a game for us to play together, and I went to go get some drinks and snacks for us.

"Hey KJ... remember one of our first shoots together?" Cole asked, looking over to the new private studio room across the hall.

"Yeah, the one with the puppies?" I asked, bringing over some sodas and popcorn.

"KJ... baby..." Cole stretches out, looking at me with questionable eyes.

"Yes angel?" I asked cautiously.

"Can we maybeeee get a puppy?" Cole asked, "please KJ?"

Cole looked up at me, excited. I knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and we both have been needing to get something to fill the house up a bit.

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