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Ash: Serena, before I go can I said confess something?

Serena: Sure Ash, what is it?

Ash: You see Serena *rubbing his nose* I kinda have a crush on you.....

Serena: How sweet Ash but I'm sorry. We can't be a thing because I already have a crush on someone.

Ash: Oh, it's okay Serena. I can't force you to love me. At least the boulder had been lifted off *he chuckled*

Serena: I'm sorry again Ash

Ash: Nah I don't mind at all *Last call for plane No 111 to Kanto* Well, it looks like I need to go. See you soon in the future

Serena: Ok, Cya *waving her hand*

Present Time* In the plane*


"She doesn't like me. How stupid I am thinking a girl as pretty as she would feel the same way for a boy who just lost a league" I mentally face palmed myself. "I won't give up, no way I will give up" I encourage myself. I look at my trustworthy partner Pikachu. He was sleeping on my lap. "Well, how about a nap in this time" I closed my eyes and let the dream playing in my mind.

After about 7 hours of boring flight, I finally reached Kanto region. I look at the beautiful scenery and witness it. Then I went off from the plane and got a taxi to drove me back to Pallet Town.

*Time Skip*

"Thanks, Mr" I gave him 50 Poke Dollar. I walked to Professor Oak Lab to put my Kanto Pokemon for a checkup. "Hey Professor Oak I'm back" He surprised to see me. "Oh my boy, I'm so glad to see you again. How was Kanto, is it great?" he gave me a bone crushing hug. "Prof-f ca-n-t b-reath" he quickly let me go. "Ops, sorry I was little excited". "It's fine Prof.Oak, Kalos was beyond amazing. I unlocked my true potential and I defeated Team Flare with my Pokemon" I said excitedly. "It seems like my boy had grown up but where is Pikachu" I looked around, no Pikachu. "Oh no" I muttered, I open my bag and revealed an angry Pikachu.

"Hey buddy" I chuckled nervously. " Pika pi" ( How could you) then Pikachu shot a thunderbolt at me. My body was black from head to toes. "Pika Pi Pikachu" (That is what you get for leaving me in that bag) he pouted his mouth. "I'm sorry Pikachu. I promise you will get a bottle of ketchup when we got home ok" Pikachu cooed which means YES. I gave Prof.Oak all of my Pokemon except Pikachu of course then I went to my home.

"Mom I'm home" I yelled before knocking the door. Then I was tackled by another bone crushing hug by none other than my beloved mom. "Ca-n't br-ea-th" she pulled away from the hug. "Oh, sorry sweetheart I got carried away" I sweat dropped. "Ash, we need to talk so come inside" I nodded and take all my belongings inside and set it all inside my room. "Ash, come to the living room please, we need to have a talk" my mom yelled. "Cmon buddy doesn't want to make mom waiting," I said to my fellow Pikachu. I ran and sit down on the couch. I saw my mom walking in with an envelope, I wonder what it said. "Ash, I have decided to enroll you in a Pokemon School" I froze in my place. "Wait what" I shouted. "You see, Prof.Oak have a cousin that runs a Pokemon School in Alola Region" I froze again. Wait Professor Oak had a cousin which he doesn't tell me, why. "So I decided to put you there for a little lesson and also you can have a new adventure in Alola Region" I was thinking about that offer. New region and adventure. "I'm in" I shouted excitedly. My mom gave me a heart warming smile. "Good, I will get contact with Prof.Oak soon so you should prepare early, you will go next week ok" I nodded. I saw Pikachu is eating some ketchup. "Hey, buddy we will be going to a school in a new region, isn't it great?" Pikachu eyes gleamed. "Pika Pikachu"(Yeah man, I can't wait) I giggled upon seeing Pikachu behavior. "Well honey, look at the time. It's late now, go to bed" I nodded and went straight to my bed. "Man, what a day" I muttered before drifting to sleep. I can't wait to go to Alola Region, A new adventure is waiting for me.

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