The Promise We Made

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Chapter 6

'Hey everyone, we meet again' he and Pikachu waved their hand.

'So it seems like all of you have to meet Ash, didn't you?' all of them nodded. 'Ash, please sit next to Lillie' Samson gestured and an empty seat beside Lillie which have a very nice view of the ocean. Ash put his bag on the chair then he greeted Lillie, 'Hey Lillie, it seems like we are a classmate. Isn't it great Lillie?' Lillie just smiled.

'Yeah, having you in here will be so much fun' Ash blushed a little bit seeing Lillie's cute smile. He can't resist but returned the smile. 'It seems like my job here has done. Hope all of you treated Ash like a family member. With that being said, I will take my leave so Professor you can start your class now' the Samson Oak walked out from the classroom.

'So class, today we are gonna learn about Mega Evolution. So anyone here knows anything about this type of Evolution?' Ash raised his hand. 'I do Professor' he stated confidently.

'Very well, so Ash do you mind if I ask you to tell the class what exactly is Mega Evolution' Ash nodded and got in front of the class.

'Mega evolution is an evolution where your Pokemon will gain their ultimate Form. In another word, it is an evolution beyond regular evolution. In order to evolve them into their final form, you must have a strong bond with your Pokemon and you will need two stone. One of the stone is called Key Stone while the another stone is based on your Pokemon, like Blaziken stone is called Blazikenite. Also, your Pokemon needs to evolve into their final evolution and only a certain amount of Pokemon can Mega Evolved.' Prof Kukui was stunned of how much Ash knew about Mega Evolved.

'Impressive Ash, it seems like you know so much about Mega Evolution' Ash rubbed his neck after that compliment. 'It is nothing Professor, I just share my knowledge about Mega Evolution' Prof Kukui gestured Ash to sit down.

'To add more fact today, there is a rare phenomenon that a boy with a Greninja can change their appearance like Mega Evolution. It was known as The Bond Phenomenon. The trainer and his Greninja work with synced but unfortunately we lost contact with that trainer after The Choas in Kalos' Hau raised his hand immediately.

'Yes Hau, how can I help you' Prof Kukui have no clue why Hau was raising his hand.

'Prof Kukui we don't lose contact with him. Besides he is here in Alola' Prof Kukui eyes widen upon hearing those words, it makes him excited.

'I don't see that coming, so who is it?' Hau pointed to Ash who just grinned as usual.

'A-Ash is the Greninja who can Bond with its trainer is Yours?'

'I hate to admit it but yeah. He is my Greninja' everyone who was in the class except Hau had their jaw dropped.

'So Ash, can we meet him?' Lillie asked with her eyes full of hopes.

'Sure but not today. I left him in Kanto so it will take a while before his Pokeball can be sent here' everyone seems to understand him.

'Ok, so all of you, class dismiss' Ash and Lillie grabbed their bag and walked together while Mallow and Lana fangirling in the class. Pikachu jumped and landed on Ash's shoulder.

'So Ash, do you have any plan after this?' Ash was thinking for a moment.

'I need to find Prof Kukui house because I will be living there for quite a while if I remembered' Lillie frowned. She wanted to hang out with Ash but he has something to. Lillie doesn't want to be a burden for Ash so she decided to leave him.

Before she could take a step to her house, she was interrupted by someone grabbing her hand. 'Hey, Lillie wanna tag along. After this, we could take a walk at the market?' she was filled with happiness. Ash is a nice person, she taught. 'Sure I would love to' Ash gave her a genuine smiled which make Lillie blushed seeing his cute face. The face that she fell in love with. The moment their walking hand in hand was the best moment she could ask. She saw Ash was a caring person like he would sacrifice himself for others.

As their walking, they witnessed the beautiful beach with the sea. A bunch of Wingull cruising through the thin air as the water type Pokemon swimming in the sea. Both of the walking hand-in-hand, though they look like couple they are just a best friend... For Now

Upon arriving at Prof Kukui house, both of them walked in and had been greeted by Prof Kukui. Ash walked to his room followed by Lillie who just smiling the entire time. Ash put Pikachu on the bad and let him take a nap.

'Wow, such a nice room' Ash was in awe for a moment. He was acting like a child who gets a new toy which makes Lillie giggled a bit. Ash put Pikachu on the bad and let him take a nap. 'So Lillie, I finished my job, care to join me at the market' Ash extend his hand which Lillie gladly take it.

The market took place near a town so it was about 5 minutes of walking. Both of them just chatting and joking with each other. As their go to the first stall, Ash saw a very nice straw hat which he think will look good on Lillie.

'Hey Lillie, came here for a minute' Lillie who was sitting at the bench walked to Ash. 'What is it Ash?' she asked raising an eyebrow. 'Close your eyes for a moment and don't open till I say you can' Ash get a nod in response.

She closed her eyes and fell her hat being lifted off. Then another she got her hat back but it is not exactly her white hat. 'There now open your eyes' she opened her eyes and saw she was wearing a very nice straw hat.

'Wow you look good and cute in that hat' she blushed like a Tomato Berry. Ash paid for the hat and then resumed walking at the market while still holding hand with Lillie. After about 10 minutes of doing nothing rather than walking, both of them decided to call this a day.

They saw the sunset and the sky go orange. 'The sunset is so beautiful, isn't it?' Ash gave out a little chuckle. 'You can say that again but I found something more beautiful' Lillie gets excited a little bit, What is more beautiful than a sunset, she thought.

'What is it' Ash just put his hand on her shoulder. 'I will tell you when the time is right but for now, let just said it is a person' Lillie frowned. Not only she can't know what is it, but also it is a person. 'Lillie can you promise to me something' Ash said breaking the silence.

'Yeah' Ash look directly into her eyes, she could saw his auburn eyes sparkled under the sunset. 'I want you to chase your dream, Never Give Up Till it is Over' Lillie saw the determination in Ash's eyes. 'I promise Ash' then Ash embrace her in a hug.

'Just remember this, if all of your friend and family turn you down I will always be there for you' Lillie was on the verge of tears. She never taught a boy who she just met 3 days ago will impact her life this much. 'Th-thank you, Ash, for the words and everything' Ash wiped her tears with his thumb.

'Hey, that what friends for. If you need someone to talk about my ears are open' Ash gave her a sincere smile. Lillie felt happy and the warmth of the hug was natural. She discovered new thing today, if the world let her down Ash will always be there for her. When they broke the hug, she frowned a little bit. She hoped the hug will last forever but no.

'I think we should head home. It is kinda late right now' they saw stars on the beautiful night sky. There was one big star sparkled brightly above their head. As the moonlight lead the way for both of them, they parted and went back home. Lillie couldn't explain how much fun she had with Ash. She gripped the straw hat Ash gave to her. She just hopes Ash will be noticed that she want to be More Than Friend................

A/n: It had been a while since I updated this story which is about a week to be confirm. Okay so why I took this long, I have 4 projects, I had training for my Team, Tons and Tons of homework and the worst of all are I was so lazy. Sorry for any grammatical error and see you guys in the next Chapter. Sincerely_CatWritter

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