Time To Enroll

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Chapter 4

"The sun has risen as our hero continue his journey with her new friend Lillie"

Normal POV

Ash just woke up from his slumber. The clock showed the time is 6.30 a.m, hey yawned and got his towel while heading straight to the guest bathroom. After a couple minutes of shower, he wore his Alola outfit a.k.a in Anime. He wakes up Pikachu and went for a stroll at the beach.

'What a nice view to start a day, right buddy' his Partner nod in agreement.

'Hey buddy, wanna train for a little at Lillie's house?' Pikachu thinks for a moment.

'Pika' (Yeah man, I'm pumped up) this make Ash chuckled a little bit.

'Well buddy, if you say so' they ran as fast as they could. Clearly, Pikachu is the winner as he uses Quick Attack to have a boost.

'Not *Pant* Fair *Pant*' he said between breath.

'Pika Pi Pika' (You doesn't say I can't use Moves) he had a smirk plastered on his face.

'Hey look, a battlefield. Let us train there' Ash said.

'Pika Pi' (Oh, you on) both of them ran to the battlefield.

'Ok Pikachu, I wanted to train your speed. Use Quick Attack and run as fast as you could' Pikachu's body covered in white glow then he ran with a great speed.

'Faster, Faster' Ash shout which made a certain blonde girl woke up.

Lillie POV (Yeah for the first time)

'What, who is shouting' I woke up from my queen size bed. I look outside and saw someone on the battlefield.

'Who is it' I questioned myself. I took a better look and saw Ash and his Pikachu were doing some sort of training. His face was full of determination, so does his Pikachu.

'They sure having fun' I mumbled. I look at my clock and saw its showing 7.00 a.m. I went to the bathroom and got dressed. Then I grabbed my bag and went downstair. As the maids were preparing some breakfast, Ash walked in with Pikachu on his shoulder.

'Hey Ash, having a nice sleep last night' as the maids handed us some Pancakes.

'You bet, me and Pikachu slept like log yesterday' he said while his mouth full of pancakes. I giggled a bit which makes him smiled.

'Cmon Ash, do you want to meet Prof.Samson or not' he finished his breakfast and grabbed his stuff from the guest bedroom.

'Im coming' he shouted before running at the front door. He met James once again. He shook his hand and thanks, all of them for their hospitality.

*End Of PoV

As they were walking together, Ash decided to hold Lillie's hand which made her face flushed red.

'Ash, why do you hold my hand' she asked while raising and eyebrow.

'Like I said, I will protect you and wouldn't let anything harm you but if this makes you uncomfortable, I'm so sorry' she like the way Ash protect her.

'No it is just so sudden' she gave him a smile which Ash smile back.

*Time Skip*

They reached the front gate of the new school. The school was big, heck it even got a big slide on top of it with a bell tower and many classrooms. Ash was in awe seeing people and Pokemon interacted with each other without fighting which he seems to enjoy this atmosphere.

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